Chapter 29

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Sesshomaru stood out in the front courtyard of his palace grounds, watching as the Lord of the North approached atop a horse with fifteen soldiers behind him. Sesshomaru's nose twitched in disgust when he caught the unmistakable scent of dragons. Though not the ones of the east, from what Souta claims, he still did not like them. Ah-Un was the only dragon he'd ever allow near him, and even then it was only because he was a different form of dragon.

Kind of like how there were dogs used as pets and then dog youkai, like Sesshomaru himself.

His second in command rush to his side, giving him a silent nod. Sesshomaru nodded in return. Good. Kagome was safely hidden away. He wouldn't let anything happen to her, but it was just a precaution.

As Souta dismounted and his men neared, Sesshomaru and Kazu walked up to the gate's opening to meet him. When they stopped before each other, Sesshomaru's nose twitched again in disgust.

Souta was as tall as Kagome, and was very slim for a man. Despite the desire and appreciation of fighting he had for so long, he had never been a very muscular boy. Which was why it wasn't so surprising that Kagome had always managed to beat him in nearly everything.

But the resemblance he had to Kagome was uncanny. Technically they were twins, but they were not born from the same mother. They were less than a minute apart, Souta from an Inu and Kagome from...well, no one except Keito knew. They shared their father's blue-black hair, though Souta's was cut short. Though their eyes were the same color, there was something cold and dangerous in Souta's. Something menacing.

When he smiled, it did nothing to hide the evil glittering in his eyes. "Ah, Sesshomaru-sama. It's been a long time. How do you fair?"

Sesshomaru's icy mask was in place like it always was, giving nothing away. "Quite well," he said monotonous. "What are you doing here?" It was more of a demand than a question, but Souta just chuckled.

"I see nothing has changed with you, old friend. Never one for an introductory." His eyes slid over to Kazu, and he gave a dip of the head. "General Kazu, still in command, I see."

Kazu bowed at the waist in greeting. Though they both knew the truth of what Souta did to his own family, including Kagome, they still had to act as if all was normal.

"I'll ask you again, Lord Souta," Sesshomaru said, rather impatient. "What are you doing here? You sent no word of you paying a visit, nor have I requested your presence."

Souta's aura spiked in annoyance. No doubt he was use to making demands and having everyone rush to do his bidding. But facing Sesshomaru, especially here in the west, Sesshomaru held authority. These were his lands and his palace. Though the north and west have had a close knit relationship for generations, Souta would be the exception to Sesshomaru severing that link.

Despite his annoyance, Souta continued to smirk. "I am just passing through, Sesshomaru-sama. I had heard that there was a woman here who has caught your attention these past months. I simply had to see it for myself."

Sesshomaru didn't give anything away, and neither did Kazu. "Whatever rumors you have heard are untrue, not that it is any of your concern."

Souta placed a hand to his chest in feigned hurt. "None of my concern? I am offended, Sesshomaru. After all, it has been... what two, three hundred years give or take since you were betrothed to my sister?" He made of show of wiping an invisible tear. "May her lovely soul rest in peace."

Next to him, Kazu stiffened angrily and Sesshomaru resisted the urge to wrap his clawed fingers around the bastard's neck.

"In all that time I had feared you would not choose another mate," Souta continued. "The west needs an heir in order to continue the Taisho legacy. So imagine my shock when I heard such a thing."

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