Chapter 12

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Kagome stopped at Sesshomaru's bedroom door and raised her hand to knock. After a moment she knocked again. No answer. She gritted her teeth. She knew the Baka was in there. Though he'd masked his youkai and aura almost all the time, save for now when it was so close to heat, he hadn't done a very good job at covering his scent. This was the last place he'd gone.

She knocked again, and when she could hear nothing, she opened his door and stepped inside. His masculine sandalwood scent filled her nostrils and temporarily fogged her mind. His room was bigger than hers -way bigger!- and was fit for someone of his status. It was dark, the only light coming from the bright moon outside the large window that shone down on his raised futon. His empty raised futon.

Confused, Kagome took another step into the room. Where-

The door behind her slammed shut and she heard the click of the lock just before hard muscled arms slid around her waist and hauled her against an equally hard chest. Kagome gasped at the onslaught, and was about to fight, when she realized her attacker was Sesshomaru.


"Do you not know that the most dangerous place to be is in the room of an Inu reacting to heat?" He growled darkly in her ear.

Kagome shivered, feeling lust, pure and simple, slide through her. "Let me go," she breathed, clutching at his arms.

"You entered my room on your own volition. You must pay the price." One of his hands slowly slid down to her thighs, his long fingers going under the thigh length yukata.

Kagome wriggled against him, trying to get free. It wasn't that his touch repulsed her, not at all. No, it was that she liked it far too much.

Sesshomaru gave a low growl, the sound ridiculously sexy in her ear. "Stop moving, wench."

Kagome continued to do so, unintentionally sliding her butt against his growing excitement. With a rough sound, Sesshomaru moved and Kagome soon found her back pinned to the wall furthest from the door, with a rigid part of Sesshomaru pressing into a particularly sweet spot. She gasped out at the sensation.

"Sesshomaru," she whispered. "I-" She was cut off when Sesshomaru roughly pressed his mouth to hers. The kiss was rough and with force much like the ones the hanyou always gave her, but at the same time, this one was nothing like it. He forced his tongue inside her mouth, and after a moment's hesitation, Kagome melted against him, swirling her tongue with his, sanity temporarily forgotten.

'To hell with sanity,' her beast growled, feeling Kagome's passion. And Kagome fully agreed.

She brought her arms up and wrapped them around Sesshomaru's neck, opening her legs a bit more for his clever fingers. One slid along her moist heat, making her gasp out. He nipped her bottom lip and sucked on it. His fingers teased the opening of the warmest part of her body, while his thumb stroked the tiny nub that was the center of her pleasure. Kagome bit her lip, but couldn't stop a moan from sliding from her mouth.

Sesshomaru placed his mouth against the smooth skin where her neck and shoulder met, running his wet tongue along it before nipping at it. Nothing she could remember had ever felt so deliciously wonderful. He used his free hand to briefly squeeze her buttocks before coming around to massage a breast. When he tweaked one of the beady points of her erect nipples, Kagome moaned again, feeling her climax hovering so very near.

Sesshomaru felt it, too, for he growled and increased the speed of his strokes. Kagome began to pant, her nails digging into his shoulders hard enough to draw blood, her hips moving against his hand. Finally unable to take any more, she arched her back, feeling as if a string that had been stretched taut had just been cut. Her release hit her fast and hard, making her cry out in pleasure.

After several moments in which Kagome simply leaned against the wall looking up at a satisfied looking Sesshomaru through passion hazed eyes, reality began to sink in, and with it, horror at what she'd just done. Oh, kamis! She'd come to his room to ask a very simple question regarding her past, and instead had put on a show of wantonness for a male she'd just berated herself not to get involved with.

Her beast tried to calm her, saying it was only natural for inus to explore their lusty ways, especially when preparing to go into heat. However, nothing her beast told her stopped her body from flushing with shocked embarrassment.

"It is a bit late to feel self conscious, isn't it, wench?" Sesshomaru drawled sarcastically, moving over to his futon. Kagome simply stood there frozen, still contemplating her humility.

"I..." It took several long moments before she could form a response, but even then her voice was weak and shaky with mortification. "I came ask you s-something...and...and..."

"You came here to seduce me, did you not?" He asked coolly. His eyes were still leaking red with lust and now anger. "Knowing I am at my weakest moments, you came to my room in your indecent attire with every intention of seducing me to your advantage."

Kagome's head snapped up as if she'd just been slapped. "W-what? No-"

"I'm afraid whatever your ill-demised plans were should have waited until tomorrow when I have far less control. That is a stupidity on your part."

"I didn't-"

"Cease your blabbering, wench. I have no care for what you have to say." He glared at her through red eyes. "Return to your precious Kazu and leave me be. I find that I have tired of you after such a poor display of foreplay." He turned his back on her.

Kagome's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly. Even though she'd felt greatly mortified at what she'd unintentionally done with Sesshomaru, it had still been absolutely wonderful. Glorious, even. She'd felt connected to him in a way never before, and ridiculously her feelings had soared. But it was all nothing to him. She'd been right in thinking it was foolish to feel anything for the icy lord. With the exception of Rin, he was incapable of harboring any type of warm feelings for others.

Sesshomaru peered over his shoulder at her with a look of disdain. "Are you still here? Leave my presence at once." He took a threatening step towards her. "Or do I need to wring your scrawny neck and throw you out myself?"

Kagome bolted out of his room. Not in fear, but because she didn't want to listen to another blasted word coming from his idiot mouth. She ran blindly down the halls to her own rooms, where she locked herself in and fell to the floor. Sobs wracked her body, tears sliding down her face.

'I knew it! I knew it! I'm so stupid for falling for that bastard! Baka, baka, baka!'

Her beast was incapable of speaking, wanting so much to be free. While Kagome in her human form cried with hurt and sorrow, her beast raged violently in the back of her mind. Her aura spilled from her body, flooding her room and beyond, perhaps the entire palace.

How dare he! That bastard! He was the one to come onto her! He seduced her. He had no right...

Her youkai flared violently, but Kagome didn't notice. She cried and cried, her hurt greater than anything else at the moment. Her beast continued to rampage in her mind angrily, begging to be let free. When her youkai flared again, it was more powerful. She felt the floor and walls shake, threatening to crumble.

She heard a series of footsteps running down the hall towards her room. She knew Sesshomaru was among them, so great was his own aura. Panicked and not wanting to see him so soon, if ever, Kagome rose to her feet and darted for the window. She'd just got it opened when her door was forced open, and Sesshomaru and his men began to file in. She jumped out the window and made a mad dash for the nearest wall that surrounded the castle.

With tears stinging her eyes, she forced herself to go to the back of her mind, allowing her beast to claw free. The change overcame her in the blink of an eye. Soon, she was a twenty feet high massive Inu. She came to the high wall and leaped over it, careful not to touch the pointed tips. She didn't know if Sesshomaru and his men were still following her. She didn't care.

She forced her beast away from the outside village, and all others nearby. She didn't want anyone to get hurt by her rampaging beast, regardless of its great anger. Inside the beast's mind, Kagome closed her eyes and welcomed the fury of her beast, for it dulled her pain to the recesses of her mind. She was thankful for it.

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