Chapter 13

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Kagome's beast ran for hours and hours. She knew for the sun had fallen and rose and was falling again. She'd kept it from going near any village, as well as leaving too far from the Western Palace. Though that was the last place she wanted to be, it was still the only safe place she could turn to. So far the only destruction she'd caused was several knocked down trees, and a few ogres who'd tried to attack her.

Even still her beast raged. She was in full heat now, which meant her beast was nearly in full control. Her pain had died down to mere embers, but it stubbornly refused to go away.

Still in her Inu form, she continued to run, loving every bit of the freedom she felt. No restricting chains keeping her from moving more than a few feet, no bitter drug making her immobile, no fifteen foot wall with pointed tips keeping her little more than another prisoner. It was magnificent.

The first and last days of her heat were the worst of all. Those were the days where her emotions were out of control and her lust was at its greatest. The only thing she regretted about this temporary newfound freedom was that there were no males nearby to release her of the ache that would not go away for the rest of the week.

Just then a large, beautiful silver Inu slightly bigger than herself jumped in front of her, halting her running. Perhaps she'd spoken too soon.

The hurt and humility that had been dying down returned full force upon seeing Sesshomaru standing there before her. She pushed it back however, focusing on the anger, making it greater than the pain. She turned, prepared to run in the opposite direction, but she wasn't quick enough. Sesshomaru pounced on her from behind, bringing her down to the ground.

She rolled over and snapped at him. He dodged her maws by hopping to his feet. Kagome did likewise and took off running again. Sesshomaru was in hot pursuit. She could hear him behind her, could feel his own raging aura as he chased her. She sensed he was about to pounce again, and quickly jumped to the side, just barely avoiding his bigger form from landing on her. He did, however, manage to bite into her hind leg, making her yelp out in pain. The pain was welcome, though, for it fed her anger.

She swiped at his muzzle with her paw, landing a glancing blow that caused blood to well. He snarled and got to his feet again, stalking her slowly. Kagome's beast wouldn't run again. He'd only continue chasing her.

She stood defensively, facing him off as he continued to come forward. She growled in warning, telling him not to come any closer. He ignored her. Kagome crouched low with her massive teeth bared. When he was mere feet in front of her, he did the same. They began to circle each other, their powerful auras swirling dangerously in the air. The two auras clashed, both trying to dominate one another, neither succeeding. Sesshomaru took a step closer, and Kagome attacked.

He dodged and came at her with his own attack. They fought and fought for the longest, each only landing glancing blows to the other. Neither would stop until the other submitted, but at this point submission seemed to be an impossibility for either youkai. When Sesshomaru managed to bite into her side, Kagome howled out in pain and bit into his own. She tasted blood in her mouth. Sesshomaru let go of her and she leapt back clumsily, her back paw still wounded.

The moon was high in the sky now and their fight had traveled to a clearing where a short cliff was just behind Sesshomaru. Kagome charged forward. Sesshomaru stood defensively. Just before reaching him, she ducked low to the ground and jumped at him. Not seeing it coming, Sesshomaru lost balance and the two went tumbling over the edge of the cliff. Luckily it was only ten or so feet high and they landed in a grassy clearing. Before she could get up, Sesshomaru leapt on top of her and pinned her down with his bigger body. Kagome tossed and turned and snapped her maws, but to no avail.

She was well and truly trapped, yet again, by Sesshomaru. From his point above her, he growled and went for her neck. Kagome hit her head against his in an attempt to keep him away from it. He tried again and again, and Kagome blocked each time. He pulled back slightly and bared his teeth lethally. He snarled down at her, letting her know that she would not be getting free unless she submitted.

For a long while, two pairs of blood red eyes simply glared at each other stubbornly. Then, with slow reluctance, Kagome slightly tilted her head to the side, baring her neck to him. It was the hardest thing she could ever recall doing. To inus, the baring of one's neck was a sign of complete and total submission. To a Daiyoukai like herself and Sesshomaru, it was like giving one's self over to the other utterly.

With a growl of approval, Sesshomaru dipped his head and bit into her neck. It wasn't meant to hurt or draw blood, but rather to let her know he was superior and the dominant.

Slowly, Kagome began to shift back to her humanoid form, though her eyes were still red, for her beast was in control. Sesshomaru did likewise, and soon the two were laying in a lover's position with his teeth still in her neck. When Kagome shifted slightly, she felt Sesshomaru's hardened member pressing into her intimately. They both hissed in pleasure. He slowly extracted his teeth from her and licked her neck, making her moan. Her beast's anger was rapidly dying down, being replaced by a much, much more pleasant feeling.

Sesshomaru then lifted his head. Though she'd submitted in Inu form, that didn't mean she had to do so in this one. She brought her hand up and swiped her claws against his left cheek. Blood swelled and Kagome licked the tangy-sweet substance from her fingertips. He growled at the pleasure pain.

Inside, Kagome wasn't worried that she'd hurt him. For one, the bastard deserved more than a scratch to his pretty face. Secondly, physical pain didn't hurt much during an inu's heat. It was actually pleasurable.

Sesshomaru took her wrists in one hand and held them above her head. He kept her legs pinned beneath his so she was utterly powerless to do anything but bare her fangs at him. He leaned down to roughly press his lips to hers. With his free hand, he lightly slid his claws down her naked body, every now and then pressing hard to poke through skin.

Kagome's hips bucked at the increasing pressure between her legs, causing them both to groan at the contact. Sesshomaru lifted her hips up, barely dodging a knee to the groin. He used both of his hands to grip her legs and pull them apart, while she lightly clawed at him with her poison.

The pain only fueled his lust, especially when she raked them down his entire torso. He growled and settled more firmly between her parted thighs. When she unintentionally rubbed against him, he was lost.

He roughly entered her tight core and they both moaned loudly. She wrapped her legs around him in a death grip and fisted her hands in his long hair as he began a quick, hard pace. Red met red as both beasts looked at each other with lust and longing. Suddenly, the two paused when they were at the very edge of their pleasure.

Before giving the final thrust that would send them both over the edge, Sesshomaru flared his youkai against hers. For the first time, Kagome didn't fight back. Instead, she bared her neck to him. He growled and thrusted into her. They both howled their release and Sesshomaru fully sank his fangs into her neck.

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