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It's been 7 years since the war with the east. In that time, the people of the north had slowly warmed up to Kagome. There was so much to do, so many villages to rebuild and get established, so many wrongs to right. And she had worked diligently to show her people she was worthy to be called ruler. Balancing a family and being a ruler had been a bit difficult in the beginning, but everything now was running smoothly.

The north, west, and south had spent weeks trying to determine what to do with the remaining dragons of the east. They weren't corrupted or evil thanks to Takemaru and Naraku being gone, and yet no one really trusted them. There was always the chance the would try to rise up again. But one dragon had stepped forward as the voice of all the other dragons. Takemaru didn't have any children, but unbeknownst to them, he had a brother who did. The brother hadn't wanted anything to do with Takemaru and Naraku and had fled Japan altogether with his mate and children. However, Takemaru had eventually found where they were hiding and slaughtered all but one of them. The one who remained was an adolescent named Ryura.

Bankotsu had come forth and revealed that he had met the young dragon on several occasions, even providing him with protection on one of the islands off the southern coast. This revelation had, of course, caused mayhem among the other rulers and their advisors, but in the end, they came to an agreement. Ryura had freely pledged his allegiance to them. He would take his spot on the throne by commanding the dragons, but the eastern lands would be divided equally among the other three lands.

None of the dragons had opposed for fear of being killed for treason. But even if they weren't afraid, Kagome had a sense they were pleased with things this way. It would be a long time before everyone welcomed the dragons with warm open arms, but at least this way there was no segregation. They were no longer shunned.

Kagome inhaled deeply, walking around the northern palace grounds. Rebuilding the damaged part of the castle had taken several moon cycles, but it was still as beautiful as she remembered growing up. Even on the outside of the castles gates a large village had been built, and it was growing even bigger each year. Slowly but surely her lands were beginning to flourish once more.

There was a soft whistle and Kagome looked over to see Kazu standing under a tall tree. She smiled and strolled over to him. Though he'd lost his arm during the war, he hadn't wanted to replace it as Sesshomaru had once before. He said if it wasn't his own arm he didn't want it, much to Kagome's chagrin. After recovering he'd gained his full strength he'd trained day in and day out, teaching his body to rely on only one arm. And his work had paid off. He was still a master swordsman, and he still held his title as one of Sesshomaru's top generals.

He smiled warmly. He was dressed in white, with a metal armor chest plate bearing the crescent moon symbol. "It's been a long time, Kazu-san," she said with a smile.

He nodded. "Indeed, milady. Thank you for having me here."

She snorted. "Sesshomaru would have brought you along regardless. You are like family to him, you know."

He gave an easy laugh even as a light blush stained his cheeks. "I do not think it is wise to say that aloud. He will no doubt try to prove he is still the icy lord he once was."

Kagome chuckled at that. There was a loud "Okaa-san!" sounding from behind herself. She turned, smiled widely as a small black-haired girl ran towards her, hugging her leg. Amber eyes blinked up at her. "I've missed you, okaa-san."

"I've missed you too, Shizuka-chan."

Her daughter peeked around her legs and moved to stand before Kazu. They bowed to each other and her daughter reached out a small hand. Kazu grinned and they both clapped hands several times, performing a "secret handshake" they'd come up with.

Kagome looked up to see her other daughter walk out the door to join them. Now a teenager in human years, Rin was still growing every year, but she'd become quite a looker. With her long black hair and wide brown eyes, she still had that look of innocent wonder that she had when Kagome had first met her. They hugged and began to chat for a while. Sesshomaru eventually joined them, kissing Kagome on the cheek.

There was suddenly a loud group of chattering. Wellmore like arguing. Kagome knew long before the next group exited the castle who they were. Inuyasha was fussing with a small hanyou who was crawling all over his head, while holding another small child in one arm. Kikyo was beside him giggling, dressed in her traditional miko garb.

Behind them Kouga and Ayame emerged. Kouga was laughing at Inuyasha while Ayame looked annoyed. Their adult children followed behind with even their kids in tow. Though wolf youkai didn't age as fast as humans, they aged faster than inuyoukai, so it was no surprise that Kouga had kids who had kids.

"What's wrong, Yashi-kun? Having a little trouble with the pups?" Kouga taunted.

Inuyasha glared at him. "Shaddup, ya mangy wolf. Don't you have a moon to go howl at or something?"

Kouga smirked. "Don't you have a tree to piss on?"

"Keh! At least I can control my bladder, grandpa!"

Kouga held up a threatening fist. "What did you just say? I may be a grandfather, but I am not old. I can still kick your ass any day."

After them Sango and Miroku appeared, each holding the hand of a toddler. Sango had given birth to twin girls after her and Miroku's wedding, and she'd recently given birth to a baby boy whom she carried in a secured sash on her back.

Kagome just smiled happily at the scene. Though everyone always bickered, there was nothing but love between the them. After fighting together in the war and coming close to death, it was as if everyone had formed such a close bond over the years. They were all one big dysfunctional family.

And Kagome couldn't be any happier. She squeezed Sesshomaru's hand in hers. He gave her a small smile. She cleared her throat, and everyone turned their attention to her.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming here," Kagome said. "In the past we have all been through so many hardships, so many tears, so much pain. A common enemy brought us together, and now we all stand here today. Together we overcame it all. And I just want to saythank you. From here until we take our last breath, I want you all to know how happy I am to have met all of you. No matter where this road takes us, I will carry this love I feel for you everywhere."

There was a round of cheers among them. Kagome felt her heart would explode from the emotions she felt. Nonetheless, she reveled in the happiness. Hours and hours passed and they sun was beginning to set. Everyone had left to wash up for dinner, but Kagome lingered for a moment. She looked up at the setting sun, admiring the orange, pink, and red rays.

'Father, Mother, SoutaMidoriko If you can hear me, I just wanted to saythank you. One day we will be reunited again. Until then, please continue to look down on our family.'

With that, she turned on her heel and made her way to the castle door where Sesshomaru was waiting for her. The future for them was bright. They would only move forward from here on out.

The End.

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