Chapter 7

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"It seems, my dear wench, that you are heir to the northern lands."

Kagome felt her heart go still in her chest for several moments. "W-what?" She couldn't have heard that right.

He drummed his fingers-those long, slim digits-on the desk again, resting his chin in his other one. "You were born heir to northern throne. Politically, that is the highest and most respectable position known."

Kagome felt lightheaded. "Are you sure?"


Kagome hopped up and began to pace. "This cannot be happening," she muttered to herself. "Heir to the throne? Me? But I'm no one," she whispered.

"Obviously you are someone if you are heir," Sesshomaru spoke out, his voice uncharacteristically soft.

Kagome shook her head, wrapping her arms around her waist. "What does all this mean? What do I do now?"

Sesshomaru stood gracefully and walked over to the window overlooking the garden. "I would never admit such to another, but I am unnaturally just as confused as you are. As far as what to do," he half turned to look back at her, "the best thing would be to wait it out. I have written a letter to the southern lord, requesting this Kouga to travel here so we may speak to him."

Kagome blinked. "We?"

"Hai. I am involving myself simply because I believe resolving this situation may benefit me in a way." Before Kagome could ask, he continued. "The hanyou who has taken you, his name is Naraku, hai?"

Kagome's fists clenched at her sides as a hatred so powerful it could taint even the purest of souls bubbled up inside her at the mention of that bastard's name. So, Sesshomaru had indeed known who he was. "Hai," she said darkly.

He nodded, seeming impervious to the darkness that seemed to swirl about her. "The hanyou is wanted in the north, south, and west. He has destroyed our lands more than a few times, and has slaughtered our people in the worst ways possible. Even more than the dragons he is our most hated enemy. We have been looking for him for centuries, long before you said to have been taken. We believed him to have been hiding in the east, since he has been quiet for quite some time. Now that I know he is in alliance with the dragons, that could only mean something bad is to happen sooner or later."

Kagome forced the tension to leave her body. The memories the hanyou had forced her to see, the horrid ones with the many slaughterings. Those had occurred in the allied lands. She hadn't been the only one affected by the him. "That's why you think you'll benefit from helping me? To bring justice for what he did?"


Kagome was about to tell him that she would be the one to bring the hanyou down, when a knock sounded at the door. Kagome scented it was Rin before the girl opened the door and skipped inside. She looked up in surprise and squealed.

"Kagome-chan! You are awake!" She ran over to Kagome and hugged her legs tightly. "Rin is happy to see you! Now you can come play with Rin!"

She began to tug on Kagome's kimono, urging her to the door. Kagome looked back at Sesshomaru, who gave a curt nod. "Again, we will finish this discussion later."

Kagome sighed, but allowed Rin to take her hand and pull her along. There was still much she wanted to discuss with Sesshomaru, but she supposed it could wait. Besides, she'd missed her little companion. She allowed a little smile curve her lips, despite the worry swirling insider her. Maybe she needed a break from so much excitement in just a few hours.


Today they were playing a new game, one where Kagome was a notorious bandit and it was up to Rin to stop her. They spent a while playing that, but then it was time for Rin to go to her learning sessions. As the girl reluctantly trudged off after the older bird youkai who was Rin's teacher, Kagome thought to do a bit of exploring. Rin had shown her nearly every one of the palace's gardens, but Kagome wanted to do some inside explorations.

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