Chapter 14

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Six mornings later, Kagome groggily opened her eyes to the bright rays of the morning sun. She felt warm, rested, and altogether magnificently satisfied. For the first time since she could remember, she felt nothing but peace.

Closing her eyes, she stretched. Well, tried to, anyway. The pair of strong arms that were wrapped around her tightened so she couldn't very well move. She turned over in said arms and peered into Sesshomaru's face. They lay under a large tree that, unlike its neighbors, was fully blossomed with lush green leaves and dripping moss. The morning sun managed to slip through an open patch in the leaves, its rays shining down on Sesshomaru's sleeping face.

Kagome felt something inside her soften as she studied him. Ever since first meeting him, despite his being a brute, she'd always thought he was a ridiculously handsome male. Right then, however, he was flat-out beautiful. With the light caressing his pale skin, he looked so serene, so angelic. He didn't have his perpetual scowl or glare. He didn't look anything like the deadly Daiyoukai she knew he was.

Slowly, she reached up and used a clawed finger to gently trace the smooth markings on one of his cheeks. He didn't even move. When she reached up to touch the dark crescent moon on his forehead, she paused in the middle of her ministrations when she felt something quite hard growing against her belly. Her face heated greatly when sapphire blue met molten amber. There was great amusement in the bright orbs as they studied her. The light seemed to reflect off his eyes, as well as the rest of him.

"Good morning," he purred with a smirk.

Her blush deepened comically as she tried to move away from him. His arms only tightened, bringing them both chest to chest.

"Are you trying to leave my arms so soon?" He asked seductively, burying his nose in her neck.

Kagome felt her nipples harden as he put his lips to one of the many places he'd fed from her this past week. "Well, one can only stand being in your arms for so long," she replied a bit breathlessly.

Kagome's eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head when he began to suck on her neck. "You seemed perfectly content to stay in my arms for the past week," he murmured. One of his hands went to her bare hip. His fingers began to draw little circles there.


He pressed his mouth to hers, effectively cutting her off. This kiss was unlike the others he'd given her. This one was soft and sweet and made her heart ache. He deepened the kiss by plunging his tongue into her mouth. Kagome gave a soft sound and allowed him to roll her onto her back with him on top of her.

He sat up a bit and looked down at her. Her breath caught as she gazed up at him in return.

'Dear, kamis,' she thought in awe.

He himself looked like a god with the sun glistening off his pale skin and bright eyes. His half-lidded gaze slid over her with a tenderness she didn't know he even had. Their eyes met and held, and Kagome forced back the tears that threatened to well.

With a soft sigh, Sesshomaru leaned down and gave her a feather-light kiss and stood up. Kagome blinked in confusion.

"I have been away from my castle long enough," he explained. He reached out a hand to help Kagome up.

So that was it then. Their heat was over, bringing back reality. After the long nights of pure ecstasy, they'd slept through the days. Kagome had slept peacefully cuddled in his arms, not having a care in the world. But now the fun was over and they had to return to their duties. He, as ruler of the west, and she as Rin's caretaker until she regained her memories.

Somehow the thought that he'd go back to treating her as coldly as before bothered her a lot more than it did a week ago. But she wouldn't dwell on that. She'd save herself any form of heartbreak by keeping her feelings for him, whatever they were, to herself. She could manage. After all, it was only a little bit longer before she left him behind forever.

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