Chapter 34

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The battle raged for hours and hours. Even still, it was too early and nearly impossible to tell who the victor would be. Inuyasha slashed Tetsusaiga this way and that, taking down both dragons and swarms of youkai. He used his Wind Scar to destroy many of them all at once, but it seemed ineffective with the overall massive number of the opposite side.

Though the snow was falling, it was mingled with soot from the fire of the dragons. The sun was blocked by thick black clouds, making it impossible to tell what time it was. But he wasn't so much worried about that. He was focused on fighting his opponents. He wanted to be useful in this war, not just a weak hanyou orphan. He wanted to leave his mark in this war or die trying.

He unleashed another Wind Scar attack, and though it cut through another swarm of demons, several dragons avoided it and were coming straight for him. A year or so ago he would have not been able to dodge them, but thanks to his training with Kagome and Sesshomaru, as well as the soldiers of the west, he was smarter and faster. He set his feet and allowed them to get close before attacking. But before he could, a pale blue light shot past him and pierced through the chests of two dragons. It exploded in a flash of light, disintegrating the other dragons nearby.

Inuyasha spun around and saw across the distance of the battlefield where the miko Kikyo stood, her bow pulled back, in preparation to release another glowing arrow. He grinned and dashed over to her, slicing the dragons and demons around her. Once there was a small opening, he landed near her, standing back to back.

"I didn't need your help with them, you know," he said to her.

There was a smile in her tone when she spoke. "My mistake then."

"Heh, glad you can join us."

Even as they exchanged words, they never once stopped fighting the enemy. She released another arrow. "It is my duty to purge these lands of all things evil. Also, Kagome-sama is a truly inspiring woman. She is someone I would not mind following into battle."

Inuyasha smiled with a bit of pride. "Hai, she is. She has been through hell and back and still leads with her chin high. That's why I will fight by her side until my last breath."

He peaked behind himself and realized nearly a dozen dragons were heading towards them. As one, they shot a large series of fire from their mouths. Inuyasha raised Tetsusaiga high above his head. Power surged through him. He swung his sword down, sending a Wind Scar attack towards the fire. At the same time Kikyo unleashed a bright blue arrow. Together, the combined attacks dispersed the fire and flew straight towards the dragons. Inuyasha watched in amazement as the combo ripped the dragons to shreds before vanishing into thin air.

With wide eyes, he and Kikyo looked at each other. Then, she smiled, making his heart skip a beat. "We work very well together, Inuyasha-san. Perhaps when this is all over and if you are still standing, we can meditate together again."

He smiled back at her, getting into a defensive position as more dragons and youkai headed towards them. "Keh, I'll take you up on that, Kikyo-san."

Kouga growled as he used his strength and speed to cut his way through swarms of youkai and dragons. It was freezing out but his blood rushing in his veins kept him warm. It also helped having wolf blood flowing through him. His body contained a series of scratches and bruises, but other than that he was still going strongly.

There was a strong gust of wind, and a woman on a feather approached from the sky, her red lips grinning maliciously. "Mangy wolf," she spat. "So we meet again."

Kouga gave a smirk of his own. "You wiped out half my tribe all those years ago. This time I will not fail to kill you."

She sneered. She held her fan up in the sky. "I'd like to see you try!" She swooped her hand down and blades of wind sharp enough to cut diamonds flew towards him. He jumped high, but then she quickly let another attack fly, and another. She was fast and relentless, but it was thanks to his superior speed he wasn't getting hit. He raised his claws to send his own attack, but then she smiled wider.

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