Chapter 21

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"Alright, old lady, take your time."

Kagome glared at the owner of the hands that guided her, making sure her healing legs didn't give out. Inuyasha ducked under the fist she threw at him, grinning. "I'm joking!"

Kagome turned her back on him, focusing on taking one step at a time. It's been another week since the battle with the dragons, and Kagome had been bed-ridden. When the dragons had bitten her, they'd infused her with their poison. Their's mixed with her own had sickened her and left her weak, and slowed her healing process. Sesshomaru and his men had stayed in the village, scouring the surrounding areas for more dragons.

Inuyasha had stayed by her side as often as he could. If not him then Kazu or Kouga. Kouga and his men that had come to the Western Palace had come along since they were heading back to the Southern Palace anyways. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Sesshomaru hadn't come to see her. Not that she expected him to. Not after what he'd said to her. She suspected he was simply avoiding her if it could be helped.

With the worst of the poison out of her system, Kagome had finally been strong enough to stand yesterday morning, though with some help. Now she was testing her legs by walking around. That's what she told the others, at least. In truth, she was tired of sitting around in the same room for so long. She was glad to be outside in the open.

With Inuyasha's hand on her elbow to steady her, she walked past several vendors, admiring each of the items they were selling. When a particular stall selling many different types of objects caught her eye, she stopped at it. The demoness behind the stall smiled kindly at her. "Can I help you with something?" she asked.

Kagome shook her head. "I am only looking at the moment."

The onna nodded, then went to the back of the stall, clearly trusting them not to steal anything. Kagome looked around at the many different items on display. It ranged from everything from pieces of jewelry to food stuff. She turned at the sound of a mewl, her eyes widening on a gasp.

Under the table in a large box was a fire neko. She was tan with the bottom of her paws black, as well as the tips of her ears and twin tails. She mewled again, looking up at Kagome with sparkling bright eyes.

"Awwwww!" She crooned, as only a woman seeing something so cute could. "Look Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha snorted and rolled his eyes. "It's a cat."

"It's adorable!" Slowly, she bent down to pet the creature between its ears. With another mewl, it leapt up Kagome's arm and onto her shoulder, nuzzling Kagome's neck.

"Shoo shoo," Inuyasha said, trying to get the neko away without touching it. Probably his inner Inu disliking it. "You're going to make her shoulder hurt worse."

The neko hissed at Inuyasha. With a yelp, he fell backwards, glaring at the cat, who resumed its purring on Kagome. Kagome laughed. "It's fine, Inuyasha. She's very light."

"A hellcat is what she is," Inuyasha grumbled, warily getting back to his feet.

Kagome turned back to the vendor as she reappeared from the back. Her eyes widened. "Oh! I see you've met Kirara. She was the runt of the litter. No one would take her."

"I see why," Inuyasha muttered, eyeing the cat when it hissed at him again.

"Kirara and her brothers are fire nekos," the woman continued. "Very good battle partners. They have fought alongside some of the greatest Daiyoukai in Japan's history."

Kagome smiled and rubbed her face against the neko. She remembered Sango, who she'd also befriended at the Western Palace, going all starry eyed in amazement as she'd told Kagome about them. She also remember the former taijiya saying she would give an arm to have one. Kagome thought this would be a wonderful gift for her friend.

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