Extra Chapter

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14-year-old Rin sat outside in her favorite garden at the northern palace, basking in the warmth of the sunlight. Life was pretty good right now. She had parents, a younger sister, several aunts and uncles, and even though none of them were related to her by blood, they were still her family. And her family was about to have another addition.

She grinned at that bit of information. It was so soon that not even Kagome or Sesshomaru knew Kagome was pregnant again. But Rin knew. She always had a gift for such things. She would keep it to herself, however. She wanted to see how long it'll take for either one of them to realize it.

It had been a very long road for all of them, but her parents especially. She'd been told the story of how they met, how on the outside they hated each other but, on the inside, they spent decades pining for each other. It was actually pretty romantic. But of course it ended so soon and so badly. They'd both suffered so much pain and heartbreak afterwards. Yet when they were reunited and defeated their enemy, they almost immediately became mates.

Even her uncle Inuyasha and Aunt Sango had gotten married and had their own children. Everyone had found love and started families. They were free to live happily. Everyone of them had such tragic backgrounds, and yet in the end there was light on the horizon for them all. It made Rin all the more thankful.

There was a strong, sweet smell that hit her nose and a furry image flashed in her mind. She shook her head roughly. Every time she comes to the northern castle she'd catch a whiff of the scent and the same image would pop in her head. She didn't know what it was, or why it happened. It was almost like the smell brought forth memories she couldn't recall. It always disappeared in a flash, so she could never make out what it was. Then she'd feel such a deep longing in her heart that she never understood. It was actually quite frustrating.

With a grunt, she stood up and stretched, then made her way to the front gate. She knew what she could do to take her mind off of it. Just outside the northern gate wall was a large village that had been built. Hundreds of merchants from all over had come to set up shop, and just as many families had built homes. Ever since Kagome took over and began to reconstruct her lands, people who were dirt-poor and barely able to survive were given funds and tasks to complete. Kagome and her workers had hired several of them for work. Others she had allowed her men to teach them different skill set, like fishing, hunting, sewing, building, etc. Those who had been eager to learn had spread their knowledge and had set up businesses where they could trade with other merchants and make a living. As the news spread, many others in the north and other lands had come start their lives. Now seven years after the war, the village was immense, and was growing bigger each year.

Her father had a village outside of his gates as well, but it was just a small one where many of the soldiers and servants lived with their families. And it was nowhere near as lively as this one.

She smiled as she walked through the open paths. Everyone greeted her as she passed, bowing to her in respect. Though she was a princess, the adopted daughter of the north and west's leaders, she didn't care much for the diplomacy, but she couldn't tell them that. Truthfully, she'd spent the last several years studying herbs and medicine under the lead doctors in the two castles. It was her passion to eventually set out travelling village to village to help those who were sick and injured. Her parents knew it was her dream, but they'd have yet to have a formal talk about it. She knew they'd be worried. Kagome would even cry. But it was her calling. They would sooner or later have to let her go off into the world.

Merchants on both sides of the dirt path called out to her, doing their best to persuade her into buying their items. And she almost always did. Whether it was a piece of jewelry, clothing, a toy, a book or scroll, a hair accessory, or even a snack, she simply loved shopping. So it was no wonder she spent the next few hours going stall to stall.

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