Chapter 26

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Kagome closed the door to her and Sesshomaru's shared room, her shoulders sagging with the weight of the world. Sesshomaru stood facing the window on the far side of the room, his back to her.

"Sesshomaru," she started on a sigh. "I know exactly how you feel. Truly, I do. I am just as afraid of losing this pup as you are, and I am always fearing the worst. But do you not see that this must be done? We need more men for this war, a lot more. And as simple as it would be to send someone to the northern lands and the prison on my behalf, you know as well as I that no one, no one, will believe unless they see with their own eyes. Understand that none of this is at all easy for me, but there is no other solution. Either I make this attempt, or all three of the allied lands will be lost to the dragons. If I do not at least try, then there will no future for anyone: not us, not Inuyasha, not Rin, and certainly not our pup. If I-"

Before Kagome could even finish her next sentence, Sesshomaru was suddenly standing in front of her, his pale hand covering her mouth. Though his face remained traditionally impassive, his emotions reflected in his eyes and aura. Anger flashed in those molten orbs, yet worry and fear spiked in his aura.

"Stop," he growled. "Stop saying 'I' this, or 'I' that. From the moment you ran into me covered in all that bloody filth, it has been 'us' or 'we'. Though I despise this plan with every being in my soul, I do accept there is no other way. However, you are certainly not going without me." When Kagome started to protest, his hand on her mouth tightened, and he growled. "Nai, you will not argue with me on this matter. I will not take even slightest chances of losing neither you, nor my second pup. No matter how powerful a Daiyoukai I am, that kind of pain is simply crippling. It is a torment worse than death. Do you understand? You may fight and argue all you like, but I am not allowing you -pupped or not- to go into any kind of danger without me at your side."

Kagome saw the pain deep in his eyes, could feel it as if it were a tangible force, as if it was her very own. Though he didn't admit it, they both knew he was as afraid as she was. With a new pup on the way during a time of war, they were both frightened to their very cores. They'd already lost one pup and it had nearly killed both of them. Even though the fetus was just barely a few weeks old, Kagome loved the little creature with her whole heart. If she lost this one, willingly or not, it would utterly, completely destroy her.

With a glimmer of tears in her eyes, Kagome slowly reached up a hand and placed it on Sesshomaru's. Anger still glittered in his eyes, but it was dulled by the fear and worry and sorrow there. She laced the fingers of one hand with his, and brought the other one to cup his cheek. "I will not fight you, Sesshomaru."

Amber met sapphire as the two Daiyoukai peered deeply into each other's eyes, as if seeing into each other's soul. In that long, endless moment, nothing else in the world existed. No war, no betrayals, no dragons, and no spider hanyous. It was as if only she and Sesshomaru existed, shrouded by their peaceful auras and intertwined youkais.

Slowly, as if afraid to break the peaceful spell that overcame them, Sesshomaru placed his free hand over hers, the one that rested on his cheek. "Do not ever think you are alone in any of this, Kagome. Share your burdens with me. Allow me to carry some of the weight you shoulder. As you've told me once before, you are strong, but not invincible. You do not have to carry the world alone."

A tear managed to leak from Kagome's eyes at his softly spoken words. Damn, but her stupid pregnancy hormones were beginning to be a real pain. Even as she thought that, she couldn't very well begrudge her cruel fate. Afterall, it had begun to rebuild the bridges that had been destroyed so long ago. Not only hers and Sesshomaru's, but the one between him and Inuyasha as well. Though things were far from settled, at least this very moment in time eased a piece of her mind. Even if it was just for this brief moment, life was pretty sweet right now.

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