Chapter 32

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Kagome made sure to keep her aura and youkai completely hidden as she hopped her way through the trees of the forest in the western lands. Sanada (one of Sesshomaru's elite magical youkai), Kazu, Inuyasha, and Sango, who rode atop a fully transformed Kirara, followed behind her. They were on a dangerous mission, one that could end in disaster if they weren't careful.

When discussing the details of this mission with Sesshomaru and Bankotsu (as well as the others in the conference room) shortly after her daughter was born, they had all decided on the best course of action. Some of Sesshomaru's spies had left several weeks ago to scout the area around the northern prison Souta had built and taken notice of how many guards there were, what paths to take, etc. Some still remained to keep an eye out on things, using their magic to relay messages to Sesshomaru and Kagome should any sudden changes occur.

Though the silver inu was very worried and somewhat against her carrying out the mission, he had known fully well it was the best they could do. They needed more soldiers for this war, more power. And Sesshomaru and Bankotsu had to act as if all was normal lest Souta becomes suspicious. But if Sesshomaru had his way, she would have an entire army behind her on this job. Unfortunately for him, the fewer numbers they had, the better. This assignment called for stealth and speed. Only those with truly exceptional skills were allowed to accompany her, and so Sesshomaru had chosen the top 4 warriors he trusted the most. Well, truthfully the top 3, but Inuyasha had stated he was going regardless if he received permission or not. He was as stubborn as they come.

Kagome smiled, looking over at him. He was smirking, very much anticipating a good fight. It had taken a while for the hanyou to become accustomed to living in the palace. Even still he kept an eye on his brother and was wary of others. But all of the servants and soldiers had accepted him as easily as if he'd always been there. Besides picking fights with some of the younger soldiers, Kagome knew he secretly enjoyed finally having a place to call home. And she would forever keep this a secret, but she'll never forget the sight of walking in on him late one night in the nursery. He'd been laying on a mound of cushions with a sleeping Shizuka wrapped snugly in his arms.

After becoming acquainted with the castle, Sesshomaru had allowed him to partake in the training with the soldiers, honing his skills in such a way that he could go toe to toe with Kazu and hold his own. Oh, he was still obnoxious and tenacious as always, but there was a maturity about him that had developed in the last several months. Kagome was rather proud of him.

Up ahead there was light shining brightly as they neared their destination. They burst through the copse of trees, landing in a clearing sitting atop a small hill. Kagome peered down at the bottom where a lively village flourished. She looked at Sango, who dismounted Kirara, smiling with pride. "Everyone, welcome to Ido."

Ido was one of the newer taijiya villages formed in the past five years. Sango had told Kagome about it just before she gave birth. Sango's brother and one of her mentors had opened the wooden gates to train any ningen who wanted to learn their demon slaying ways. Those who could not protect themselves from evil demons and wanted to fight for a greater cause would come here to learn.

A quiet river streamed through the middle of the village, both sides lined with wooden huts. Some were shops merchants set themselves up at and some were homes for families who wandered about. Wooden bridges were crafted over the river to make transportation easier. A few people sat at the bank of the river fishing, some were walking between shops, some where out in the distant fields outside the gates working on farms. Even from their vantage point Kagome could see how homey the place felt. Though it was mostly for ningen who wanted to become taijiya, it was a placed one would be proud to call home. And from the bright smile on Sango's face, she was no exception.

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