Chapter 6

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Kagome sat up straight with a gasp, her head hitting something hard. "Ouch!" She rubbed her forehead and glared up at Sesshomaru, his face half a foot away from her own. His own forehead was growing a deep red. He scowled at her, taking a step back.

"What the hell are you doing in my room," she demanded, annoyed that she was annoyed upon first waking up.

His scowl turned into a glare as he growled at her in warning. "Watch your tongue in my presence, wench. You have been asleep for three days now. It is long past time for you to awaken."

Anger temporarily forgotten, Kagome blinked. "Three days?" Had she really slept for three days? She supposed she shouldn't have been so surprised considering it had be so long since she'd last slept so comfortably. She thought back over her dream and bolted out of bed. "It's perfect that you're here anyways," she said, facing him. "I need to talk to you about something."

Sesshomaru quirked a thin silver brow. "You wish to speak with me now? Dressed as you are?" Amusement lightened his tone, though his face traditionally remained neutral.

Kagome looked down at herself, her mouth dropping in embarrassment. She'd forgotten that before she'd gone to sleep she'd changed into a sleeping yukata, one that was indecently short. It stopped a few inches below her woman parts, with the top barely concealing her cleavage. Her face became aflame as she looked up at the amusement clear to see in Sesshomaru's face. "G-g-get out!" She screeched.

Sesshomaru winced, and so did she, the sound hurting her sensitive ears. Even still, she shooed Sesshomaru out, her chest heaving, and slammed the shoji screen door behind him. She could have sworn she heard him give a low chuckle. "I will be in my study, wench," he said as he walked away from her door.

Kagome was near tears she was so embarrassed. She gathered what bit of her pride she had left, put on an over robe, and gathered the folded working kimono that had been placed near her futon in her arms and headed towards the sento to bathe. She kept her head down as she went, still trying to remain as invisible as possible. She knew her face was still red, and didn't want people to get the wrong idea.

Once at the sento, she was glad to see it was empty. She closed the door behind herself and began to disrobe.


Half an hour later she stood outside Sesshomaru's study, mentally prepping herself to meet his gaze. When he gave her the command to enter, she used shaky fingers to slide the door open and close. Sesshomaru was seated behind his desk again. He looked up at her, a smirk tugging at his lips. Kagome glared through the rising heat in her cheeks.

Dammit! Leave it to him to make her lose the calm composure she'd worked hard to obtain over the time she'd spent in the dark castle. Kagome gave a stiff bow and sat before him. She couldn't quite meet his gaze so she stared down at her hands that dug into the soft material of her kimono.

"When I was asleep," she started, only to be cut off.

"I am up here, wench," he said, clearly taking great humor in her lingering embarassment.

Kagome gritted her teeth and looked up, but not directly at him. She looked slightly past him, at a small dot on the painted wall behind him. "When I was asleep, I had a memory. It wasn't a dream, I know, because I remember perfectly."

"What of this memory?" He demanded, interest lightly lacing his tone.

Kagome bit her lip, wondering how to continue. When she'd remembered Kouga, she'd had had a plan figured out, one that had included telling Sesshomaru. What she hadn't included was that he may not believe her, would simply accuse her of lying or purposely holding back that memory from him.

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