Chapter 8

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Just like the other night, dinner was awkward for Kagome. Unlike last time, however, Sesshomaru glared at her from the opposite end of the table. She could feel his eyes on her, could feel his anger swirling in the air around the table. Kagome refused to look up, simply stared down at the meal before her as she used her chopsticks to push food around on her plate.

After leading her from the dojo, he'd simply left her, disappearing within the depths of the main palace. She'd finally let her anger sink in. She had every intention of stalking after him to tell him exactly what she'd thought of him, when Rin had come along, clinging to Kagome. Now, though she knew it wouldn't be very smart of her, she planned to annoy the western lord by simply ignoring or avoiding him whenever she could.

Across from her and down a few seats sat Kazu, who occasionally glanced up at her with a small smile. Rin let out a yawn and blinked sleepily. Kagome stood, and without looking up at Sesshomaru, politely excused herself and Rin. She picked the girl up, thankful for her youkai strength, and carried her to the sento.

"Let's get you clean before putting you to bed, Rin-San," Kagome said. Rin grumbled, making Kagome laugh. Kagome reached for the girl's obi, but then remembered she hadn't grabbed any sleeping clothes for either of them. "Um, wait here Rin-San. I have to get us some clothes and drying cloths." Rin only nodded slowly, sinking down to the floor to lean on the nearby wall.

"Rin will wait here then," she said, her voice soft and slow.

Kagome briefly worried that the girl may end up falling asleep, but figured she'd be back quickly enough. She left the sento, and hurried down the hall to her and Rin's rooms. When she had what she needed, she stepped in the hallway and bumped into something hard. She looked up into the cold amber eyes of none other than Sesshomaru.

Heart racing, she quickly dipped her head. "Gomen nasai," she said quietly, attempting to step around him.

He didn't move. Instead, he lowered his head to hers, forcing her to look in his eyes. "You have been avoiding looking at me since dinner started. Tell me why."

Kagome looked to the side. She'd thought Kazu smelled good. Sesshomaru smelled even better, with his natural sandalwood scent mixed with pure male. It was nearly intoxicating. She tried to back away to escape the effect he had on her, but he only moved in closer.

"Tell me," he said again, his warm breath fanning her flushed cheeks. The reluctant tingles Kagome always got when Sesshomaru was near began to travel lower, to forbidden regions she'd come to despise. Heat began to pool in said forbidden regions, making her body warm. Sesshomaru's nostrils flared, his amber eyes darkening. He took another step closer to her, his chest touching hers.

"What do you do to me, wench?" He whispered softly. He slowly reached up a hand and lightly stroked a lock of her hair between his fingers. He brought it up to his nose and inhaled deeply.

"What do you mean?" Kagome whispered back, feeling desire sweep through her at his closeness. Kagome saw red briefly leak into his eyes before he shut them tightly. When he opened them again, they were back to their normal color. He stepped back, and without another word, left.

Kagome stood there for a while, confused as to what had just transpired. She stared after him long after he disappeared into his study. While her physical desire faded, the memory of what just happened lingered. Obviously, Sesshomaru hadn't been in his right mind. Maybe after dinner he'd indulged in a bit of demon sake? He didn't seem like the type to do so.

Kagome shook her head. Obviously what had happened hadn't been of any significance to him. For some reason that thought cut through her heart, but she ignored it.

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