Chapter 30

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Heading towards the northern castle for the Winter Solstice ball, Sesshomaru, dressed in formal attire, sat in the horse-drawn carriage, staring unseeing out the narrow window. Beside him, Rin sat with her head resting on his arm. Across from him sat Kazu, also dressed formally, his eyes staring straight ahead. Even several of his men outside the carriage walked in unison, not a lick of conversation among them. He knew his palace had been the same way. No one speaking a word.

Two moon cycles. It had been two moon cycles since the birth of his first-born child. A day that should have been joyous but turned out to be a nightmare. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to shake the image of Kagome lying in a pool of her own blood. His cold heart lurched painfully in his chest.


(Year: 1159; Sessho's age 116=14 human years)

"I could easily beat every last one of them," Sesshomaru said. He stood next to his father, both watching as the soldiers of the southern lands were practicing their battle techniques. The field they stood in was for swordplay only. The sound of metal striking metal had drawn Sesshomaru. He thoroughly enjoyed a good fight, although no one had managed to best him thus far, despite his young age.

Lord Touga chuckled, his massive arms folded across his equally muscled chest. "You shouldn't underestimate these southern men, son. Their training is even more vigorous than our own in the west. Which is saying a lot."

"Hn. They could train day in and day out for an eternity and I will still be victorious." Sesshomaru held his chin up proudly.

"Victorious in what, might I ask?"

At the sound of another deep voice speaking out, Sesshomaru half turned, grinning with delight as he watched Lord Keito stroll over to them. His blue-black hair was pulled into a half ponytail falling just past his shoulders. He was as tall as Touga, with the same muscled build. Side by side the two Daiyoukai lords were imposing figures, two beings the young prince admired and respected greatly. "In beating these men, Keito-sama," he said smugly, bowing at the waist.

"I've told you plenty of times, Sesshomaru," Keito said, wrapping his huge arm around Sesshomaru's neck, pulling him in for a hug. "I've known you since you were merely a heartbeat in the womb. No need to be so formal with me."

Sesshomaru smiled, a light blush staining his cheeks. He pulled back and scratched his head nervously, giving a small laugh. "Hai, I know. Sorry."

"So, what's this I hear? You think you can take on all of them?"

Sesshomaru scoffed. "Of course, I can! I have already surpassed all of father's men at home. These guys don't stand a chance."

"Is that so," Touga said on a chuckle. "Careful with that arrogance, son."

Sesshomaru only shrugged unapologetically. At least he could back up his claims. He didn't spend years perfecting his fighting skills for nothing. He truly was the best in the western palace. The only person left standing who could perhaps best him would be his father.

"How would you like to truly put your skills to the test, hm?" Keito asked, smiling.

Sesshomaru's eyes lit up with hope. "I can finally go against one of you two? Really?"

Keito chuckled. "Not just yet. There's someone here I believe would put up a challenge, but if you become the victor, I will gladly be your opponent."

Touga looked at Keito quizzically. When Keito nodded his head in the direction across the yard, Touga's own eyes lit up with understanding. "Oh, haiiii, Sesshomaru. I will accept your challenge as well if you can win."

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