Chapter 5

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Sesshomaru rubbed his temple, annoyed that the northern lord was growing more persistent that he attend the upcoming Winter Solstice ball. He'd never been fond of attending such gatherings, but being the western lord, it was required for him to do so. In recent years he'd ignored the letters, or simply wrote back saying he had matters in own lands to attend to. They were always excuses for the simple matter that he detested social gatherings of all kinds. They were pointless. All one did was dress up in their finest clothes and pretend to be kind to one another, when in truth everyone was itching to kill the man closest to him.

Not only that, but the females were annoyingly persistent in trying to convince him they were destined to be his mate.

He rolled his eyes at such nonsense. He'd yet come across a bitch strong enough to be his mate. He refused to be tied down to a weakling, especially one who's birthing didn't match his own.

A knock sounded at the door. He knew long before she'd stopped before his door who it was. He bid his ward enter, watching as the young girl skipped up to his desk. "Lord Sesshomaru! Rin has something for you!" The girl held out something to him. It looked like a blob of dried clay, with sloppy flowery designs painted on it.

He peered at the object. "What is it?"

She giggled, the sound like music to his ears. "It's a cup! See?" She turned it over in her hands, showing him the hole at the top. "Rin went to the art building and made it for you."

Sesshomaru took the cup in his own hand, careful as to not break the fragile object. It was nothing near the fine crafted teacups he was used to having, but the fact that she'd created it on her own was a gesture he took to heart. Only his young ward could make him, a powerful Daiyoukai lord, turn into the softest of men. It was pathetic, but he'd long ago forced himself to accept that fact.

"Arigatou, Rin."

The girl beamed up at him brightly, her smile rather adorable despite her missing front tooth. She looked down at the unrolled scroll on his desk. "What are you reading, Lord Sesshomaru?" She asked curiously.

Sesshomaru hesitated, but then answered. "It seems the northern lands will be hosting the Winter Solstice ball this year, and would like for us to attend."

His ward gasped, excitement lighting her face. "Really? Oh, Rin always wanted to attend a real ball!"

Sesshomaru frowned. In the few years he'd had Rin under his care, he hadn't assumed she'd thought of such things. He'd refused to attend the balls at the northern and southern lands, and had declined when it was his turn to host such in his own home. Since time went by faster for youkai, the noble Winter and Summer Solstice balls were held every ten years. This would be the only time little Rin could attend one at such a young age, considering ningen grew older faster than youkai. Perhaps he may even find a future possible candidate for her hand, despite her young age.

"Hai?" He said. "I had not planned on attending, but seeing that you want to go so much, I suppose I could make arrangements."

His ward squealed with unconcealed joy, mirth lighting her eyes. "Arigatou, Lord Sesshomaru! You just made Rin the happiest girl in the world!" She gasped. "Rin will go look for the best kimono to wear!" She giggled on her way out the door.

Sesshomaru stopped her. "Rin." The girl stopped and peered over her shoulder at him. "Where is your Kagome? Has she not been doing her job as your caretaker?"

Rin gasped again. "Kagome-chan is Rin's caretaker now? Yay!" She smiled. "Kagome is asleep. She's been sleeping since Rin last saw her at dinner."

Sesshomaru frowned. "That was three days ago."

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