Chapter 10

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Sesshomaru, though there was much paperwork to be read and done, found himself distracted. He had far more important things to consider, such as extending his border lines towards the east, considering accepting the hand of the southern lord's sister to bring more power to his lands, answering the many requests of his people to fund the building of better village homes, and a hundred other things. Yet as he silently walked an empty hall in the western wing, he could only think of one thing and one thing only. One thing who's black tresses shone blue-black under the light. One thing who's glaring sapphire eyes haunted his day and nights.


No matter how bloody hard he tried, the wench not once managed to elude his mind. He had tried to force her from his thoughts, but to no avail. The witch had to have placed a spell on him. No other female had ever caught his attention so much.

It wasn't just her beauty. He'd seen many good looking women in his day, some even better looking than she. Yet, something about her attracted him on a level he could not even begin to explain. He admired her will, her determination, her strength. He admired the way she refused to back down to him, the way she held herself high and proud, the way after all she'd been through she continued on with a raised chin. Sesshomaru knew what the hanyou Naraku was capable of. He was amazed that Kagome had even survived so long at his hands. He could sense her will wasn't broken, just bent. It was more than admirable.

Of course, he'd never admit to such.

He thought back over their encounter earlier today. The feel of her body pressed against him, the way she responded to his touch, the scent of her had all been like heaven. He hadn't wanted to pull away from her, but it was best that he had. He wouldn't have been able to stop himself if he'd continued.

Though he often anticipated seeing to finding out what she would do next, the way he was feeling for the wench was not welcomed.

The sound of Rin's giggling -which Sesshomaru had come to discern from all others- could be heard from a nearby window. He stopped and glanced out of said window. He watched as Rin ran away from Kagome as she slowly chased the girl around a garden. When she was near the girl, she reached down to grab her, but winced, a painful expression crossing her face. Alarmed, Sesshomaru watched as she grabbed the left side of her ribs.

Uncharacteristically, he felt a slither of regret as he watched her stop running and take hold of her side. Most youkai, especially inuyoukai, would have been healed from broken ribs days ago with enough rest. She, however, took longer to heal considering the drug she'd been given by the hanyou that had weakened her.

His regret went away, however, and was replaced with indignity. He'd done what he'd done out of necessity. He owed no one an explanation, and thus would not give one.

Rin turned around, and Kagome quickly dropped her hands, giving the girl a bright smile. Rin gave her a worried look and went back over to Kagome. Kagome made a gesture as if to say she were fine.

Sesshomaru placed his arm against the wall near the window sill and leaned forward, peering out the window even more. Rin slid her arms around Kagome and gently rubbed her ribs. Kagome, looking uneasy, gave the girl an awkward but loving pat on her head. Something about the sight made Sesshomaru tilt his head slightly in admiration. It was obvious his ward was more than fond of her caretaker. The loving, adoring look she often gave the wench was one she'd reserved for Sesshomaru himself.

Rin pulled away from Kagome and looked behind herself, a smile splitting her face. Sesshomaru followed her gaze and scowled as he watched Kazu stroll up to them. As of late he'd began to dislike his most trusted general, though he couldn't exactly say why.

He watched as Kagome smiled at Kazu as he stopped a few feet away from them. Kazu grinned at Kagome, and Rin. Following Kazu was Miki, Rin's former caretaker. Rin gave Kagome a hug, her head barely reaching above the onna's waist. Kagome hugged her back, less awkwardly this time, and watched as Rin reluctantly trudged off after Miki.

Alone with Kagome, Kazu stepped closer to Kagome, taking her hand in his, and placing a kiss to her knuckles. Kagome's cheeks tinted pink, but she smiled softly. Kazu said something, took her other hand in his own, and placed her arms around his neck, bringing her close to him. He slid his arms around her waist, and put his nose to her neck.

Sesshomaru's lip curled and his hand twitched with a desire to wring his general's neck. His anger began to boil as he watched the scene. His beast growled in his head, clawing under his skin to be free. He knew his beast desired Kagome, knew it felt possessive towards her. It didn't want another male touching her, especially not in the way Kazu was touching her.

Kagome lightly pushed Kazu away and gave him a playful grin as she began to walk away. For as long as Sesshomaru had known his second-in-command, he'd known the male thoroughly enjoyed a good chase. The male smiled after Kagome and followed her.

With a low growl, Sesshomaru roughly pushed away from the wall and went back into his study. Inside, his beast was raging. At that moment he'd like nothing more to travel outside and punish them both for making him feel the way he did. He wanted to plunge his sword Tokijin into Kazu's heart over and over again, and then afterwards plunge a new sword entirely into Kagome over and over again.

Instead, he simply entered his study and slammed the door behind him. He had to keep his mind busy to not think about Kagome. But he knew it would be a battle he couldn't win.

After all, it's been over three centuries and he still hasn't managed to stop.

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