Chapter 33

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The car ride back to the hotel was quite but a good quite. I could tell Taylor was nervous about meeting my parents but I couldn't wait. I missed them and I wanted them to see how amazing Taylor is and how happy he really makes me. For some odd reason it felt like there was a little bit of tension in the car.

"You okay?" I asked.

He sighed, "Yeah I'm just nervous about meeting your parents and..." His voice faded.

"And what?" I said a little scared.

"Um, if I tell you, you can't get mad. Like at all."

Oh shit. He cheated. That's the only thing I could think of that he would be so hesitant telling me. My eyes started to water a little.

"I won't get mad Taylor." I said never breaking eye contact with the highway straight ahead.

"So, um, when I called your parents off your phone I kind of went through your phone and uh.."

I relaxed when I heard him say that. But I have no idea of what he found in my phone. I had nothing to hide. Oh my god. He saw all the texts from Dylan!

"I don't know why but I looked through your messages and um," He continued, "I saw some from this guy Dylan.." He said not once looking at me.

"Taylor it's not what you think I swear." I said before he got the wrong idea.

"Then what is it?"

"Dylan is my ex boyfriend. Actually, the only guy I've ever been with besides you. We dated for my sophomore and junior year and the summer before senior year he cheated on me because I didn't put out." I felt a huge weight come off my shoulders. "We had completely stopped talking up until like a month ago and he's just been saying he misses me and blah blah. Yes, I admit I have been flirting a little but he actually called me today and I made it pretty clear to him I don't want him back. I love you and only you Taylor. I'm gunna block his number and everything. I'm really sorry." I felt like I had been talking forever.

Taylor stood silent for a few minutes and then he said, "You dated him for 2 years and didn't have sex with him. We've been together for a month and you had sex with me.. Why?" He said so confused which I didn't blame him.

"Because ever since that day we met I knew something was different about you. I don't know why or what but it was. And when we kissed I felt something I had never felt. Ever. Not even with Dylan. This may sound crazy but I knew I loved you as soon as your lips landed on mine. I didn't wanna believe it because I didn't wanna  be with anybody after Dylan but Taylor you've changed my life. You showed me what true love is. That's why I'm terrified of losing you." I finally took my eyes off the road and looked at him. He was smiling and pulled over on the side of the highway a little too quickly. When he put the car in park he replied by grabbing my face and kissing me.

Taylor Caniff's endless love for AleahWhere stories live. Discover now