Chapter 16

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My eyes started fluttering open. It was morning because the room was bright. I looked over at Taylor, he was still sleeping and softly snoring. He's so cute. I checked my phone to see what time it was. It was 9:23. I decided to get up and get ready for the day. I got out of bed carefully trying not to bother Taylor sleeping. He was so peaceful. 

I took a long shower and got out and scrunched my hair to give it that wavy look. I threw on a Pink Floyd crop top with my waist high jean shorts. I did my mascara a little and was finally ready for the day. When I got out of the bathroom I saw Taylor was awake. "Good morning beautiful." He said in a raspy tired morning voice. "Damn, you're pretty hot in the morning." I said winking at him and slipping on my black Vans. "I'm also digging your tired voice haha." I added. 

"Why thank you." Taylor said. "So what are the plans for today?" I asked unsure if he wanted to hangout or not. "Spending the day with you, duh." That made me smile. "Alright, what are WE gunna do then?" "Well we have one of two choices. 1.) we could stay in here all day and watch movies and cuddle, or 2.) we can go out into society and socialize with all those peasants." I could not believe he just said that. I busted out laughing. "Hey I only speak the truth baby." He said and sat next to me. "How about we socialize with all those 'peasants' and then we can come back later and watch movies and cuddle. Sound good?" I suggested. "Sounds great. I'm gunna go get ready. Don't miss me too bad, unless you would like to join me in my shower?" He winked. "Taylor, as tempting as that sounds, I really don't feel like redoing what I just did. Wake up earlier next time and i'll take up that offer haha." "Psh fine." He said before going in the bathroom. 

Taylor Caniff's endless love for AleahWhere stories live. Discover now