Chapter 39

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I woke up to knocking at the door. I felt Taylor get up to see who it was. I didn't make it obvious I was awake so I think Taylor thought I was sleeping still by how quietly he got up. Taylor opened the door and I heard a girl's voice say, "Wow I miss seeing how sexy you look first thing in the morning." Before I could get up and see who said that I saw Taylor back up into the room with Sarah kissing him. I jumped out of bed and ran to them. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed before grabbing her by her hair and pulling her to the ground. I was so pissed I got on top of her and started hitting her. I felt Taylor's arms grab my waist picking me up and setting me on the other side standing in between us. Taylor was holding me back when I tried to get back into reach of the bitch. Taylor got really close to my face and was saying, "Stop. Please. Stop." Over and over until I calmed down a little.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked harshly. Her nose was bleeding a little and she gave me a fake confused look.

"Oh? I didn't think you were going to be here. Taylor told me to stop by." She said with a dumb look on her face. My heart dropped when she said that. I didn't wanna believe it but how else would she of know what hotel and what room we were in. I shot Taylor a look and his eyes were on Sarah.

"Seriously Taylor?" I asked in almost a whisper. He completely ignored my question and said something to Sarah.

"Why are you doing this? Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm happy with someone that's not you? I understand you may still have some feelings for me but you're honestly pathetic if you're gunna ruin someone's happiness." He said shaking his head.

"Really Taylor? You wanna lie? I'll just show Aleah the messages." She said pulling out her phone.

I didn't even wanna see the messages or Taylor. I went to the nightstand and grabbed my phone and charger and walked towards the door.

"Aleah stop!" I heard Taylor's voice say and I felt someone grab my arm.

"She's lying. I wouldn't do this you know that! I love YOU. Nobody else!" He said trying to hold back tears.

"Just don't Taylor. I'll come back later to get the rest of my stuff." I said walking out of the room crying. I couldn't believe he would do this to me. He knows what I went through with Dylan and he wants to pull some kind of shit like this? I walked down the hall to Alex and Dillon's room. I knocked a couple of times and Alex came to the door.

"Aleah what's-" Before she could finish I pulled her into a hug and started crying.

I heard Dillon ask, "Who's there babe?"

Alex pulled me into the room and I explained everything to her and Dillon.

"Did you see the messages?" Alex asked.

"No but-" She cut me off and said, "Then you can't be sure if she's lying or not! Taylor loves you and I doubt he would do this." She said trying to cheer me up but it didn't work.

"I think you should go talk to him and get his side of the story. Sarah has done this to him before and ruined a couple of chances with girls. I'm actually almost positive she's doing this just to break you guys up" Dillon told me.

"Go talk things out with him and then later we can have a girl's day since I feel like we barely talk anymore. I have a lot to tell you too." Alex said to me. I guess they both had good reasons as to why I should go work things out. I finally decided to go back because I really didn't wanna lose him. Especially over some jealous girl.

 I put the room key in and opened the door. Taylor was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. He heard me come in and lifted his head. His eyes were red and puffy. I have never seen Taylor like this except for when I was in the hospital. I ran over to him and embraced him into a hug.

"Aleah I-" I cut him off by kissing him. I didn't even care right now. I just wanted Taylor.  

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