Chapter 3

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Graduation was honestly perfect. It was so beautiful. So many tears were shed, laughs were all over, and all of the students said goodbye to each other and made plans to keep in touch with one another. The ride home with my parents was just them telling me how proud they we're of me and no matter what i decide to do they'll always be proud of me and will always support me. They always tell me that i'm going to go very far in life. I honestly don't know what I would do without my parents support. 

My parents and I exchanged goodbye's and my dad put all my bags in my trunk. I hugged my parents and couldn't help but cry. I promised them I would be safe and call everyday so they know i'm ok. On my way to pick Alex up i decided to go to Starbucks and surprise her with her favorite, cotton candy frap and i got a mocha cookie crumble. 

I pulled up to Alex's house and honked 3 times so she knew it was me. She came out with a shit ton of bags. I got out to help her. By the time everything was all ready to go it was 7:52. 

"Better hit the road if we want to make it to Kentucky by midnight." Alex said. 

"You wanna drive?" 

"Nah, not till tomorrow haha." she said and punched my arm lightly.

"You suck!" I said while pulling out of her driveway. 

Taylor Caniff's endless love for AleahWhere stories live. Discover now