With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
"Tam?"I asked, looking up at the driver of the car I was in.
"You're finally awake, how'd you sleep?"She asked, glancing at me through the rearview mirror.
I shrugged and began to swing my legs for amusement.
"Where are we going? Where's mom and mama?"I asked. "We have to take a little vacation for a while."She replied. "Vacationing to where? Mommy always said she'd take me to Florida. Where is she and mama?"
"You're too young to understand. You're parents are handling business for a while."
"Oh... Where are we?"
"Detroit, Michigan."
"Detroit? What happened to Lawesina?"I tried to pronounce my home state the best I could.
"Nothing happened to Louisiana."
"So why aren't we there. I no wan' be in stupid 'ole Detroit."I pouted.
"Detroit will have to do for now, Nessa. Let's play a game."Tam responded, trying to get me to stop whining which would eventually lead to me crying.
"A game. What kinda game?"
"An identity game. Pick a few names for yourself."
"Dream! Because I want to go back to the dirty boot."I smiled, tapping my chin.
"Now a middle name."
"Dime. Because that's mama's favorite cent."
"Dream, Dime Summers."
"Why we changing my name Tam?"I wanted to know why we were here in Detroit, not in Louisiana and where my parents were.
"Because you and I are going to start a new life here. We don't need people knowing you're Kamille and Melanie's daughter, only kid at that."
"I'll explain later, when your older. For now, let's explore our new home."She parked in front of a small house, that was nothing compared to the one we had back home, opened me door and helped me out of the car.
We walked hand in hand up to the new house.
That was thirteen years ago. Now, I'm nineteen. My birthday is coming up soon and I only have one wish. To see my parents. I wish for the same thing every year but Tam always denies me.
I haven't seen them since I was six and it's killing me inside. They missed my first period, my first heartbreak. But hey, what is love when you were fifteen? They missed my first huge haircut, they don't even call me on my damn birthday. Don't even get me started on them missing my getting my ears pierced for my second hole. I feel like they don't give a damn about me to just send me away when I was just a preschooler. But whatever, I've been living without them for over a decade, I can go more. Although, it'd be nice to know them, I guess it's better this way.
"I'm coming, I'm coming."I mumbled, slowly walking down the staircase that led to the kitchen and living room.
I walked into the kitchen and sat down on the counter to eat. "Girl if you'on get down from there."Tam swatted at me. I huffed but still got down and went to sit at the barstool to eat.
"Would you like me to drive you, your first day of college?"She asked. I shook my head as I stuffed my face with oatmeal.
"No thanks."
"Well why not?"
"Because, no! That's why."I snapped. I hate when Tamera meddles. It gets fucking annoying. She's not my parents and I'd love it if she'd stop trying to act like them.
"Okay then. At least promise me you'll make some friends this year."
"Yeah okay,"I rolled my eyes. All my friends are down in Louisiana, not here. Years ago, Tamera told me we'd only be here for a vacation, so I didn't worry about friends. I thought this shit would be temporary. But we've been here since I was six and I haven't made a friend ever since. I always ran them off purposely by telling them some creepy or crazy shit.
I don't want no damn friends, I want my ma and mama.
After I ate, I started to go back upstairs to get dressed but Tamera stopped me.
"Aren't you going to clean your dish?"She asked, pulling me back by my arm.
"No, you're the maid not me. Let go of me."I yanked from her grip and stormed up the stairs. "It's too early!"I yelled.
"Too early Tamera! To be pissing me off boo boo!"I exclaimed, slamming my bedroom door closed.
I went into the bathroom connected to my room and took my shower. I got cleaned up then brushed my teeth. I got dressed for the day and styled the box braids, that I just got done yesterday, into a huge bun at the top and the rest hanging in the back.
I pulled the pencil skirt down a bit and checked my outfit out in the mirror. "Ooh, who is dhet! Issa bad one,"I giggled at myself in the mirror.
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I pulled on my all white low top converse and laced them.
"Hey mama baby!"I screamed as my baby girl ran over to me. I picked her up, holding her close to my chest.
She licked all over my face and sniffed me. I guess my lotion smelled good to her for her to be licking my like that. Day and Night, we're brother and sister but Night kind've got to her while she was on her period. They fucked and mama sold the puppies but kept one, Peppa, for me. I picked out her name when I was little so it might sound childish. Night and Day died a few years back of old age and Tam and I buried them in the backyard.
"Hey Peppa girl."I ran my fingers through her beautiful black hair.
She continued to lick my face until I put her down. I placed her in her cage, ignoring her cries to get out.
"You do this every morning. You know Tam Tam's gonna let you out after I leave. Just a few minutes."I locked the cage door and went to wash my hands. I cleaned off the places she licked, grabbed my keys and went outside.
I climbed into the driver side of my all black Ferrari. Tamera got it for me three years ago, when I got my permit at sixteen. It's a pretty fast car but I learned to control it the first few times I drove it.
At least twenty minutes later, I arrived at the college. I parked and got out, going to my ten o'clock class. I didn't want to live on campus and Tam was okay with that.