With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
I awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking downstairs. I looked around to find myself curled up in the sheets next to my wife.
Her arms were wrapped around me, holding me close. The bedroom reeked the smell of sex and sweat. It stunk. The bedsheets were damp and felt disgusting. My body felt great though. I unraveled myself from the sheets and woke Vanessa.
"Baby!"I whispered in her ear. I shook her just a little before she actually woke up.
I led her to the bathroom which was connected to our room. I started the shower and turned the knob all the way to the left so it could get hot. While waiting, we brushed our teeth.
"Why'd you wake me up so early?"She asked as we wiped our faces of the eye crust and other residue that rested on our face over night. "Remember the shower sex we used to have when we were younger?"I asked with a smirk. Now, shower sex isn't all that good as society makes it out to be but at the moment, I'm craving it. She smiled.
We stepped into the steamy hot shower together. I wasted no time in pushing my butt up against her pelvis.
"Stop fooling around,"She mumbled. I spun around and gripped her for support as I climbed on. See, shower sex is complicated and slippery. That's what makes it exciting.
I couldn't help but to moan as I felt it slide into place inside me.
In no time, I cummed and climbed down. My legs were still shaking when I got off of her. We cleaned each other's bodies and talked about the job I interviewed for.
"Oh darn..."I mumbled to myself.
"What?"She asked as she looked up from drying herself off.
"Oh nothing,"I told her. I had just remembered that if I did get the job, I'd have to see Jalaia every day. Fuck...
We continued our hygiene routine and moved to the closet to find something to wear.
"What're we doing today?"I asked. "Pool?"She suggested.
"We need to get you your job back. I swear to god if you still have cocaine in your system ima kill you."I warned. "Do you?"
"I haven't done it since you found it in the hotel. Remember you dumped it all over the floor. And fuck I look like with my head so close to a dirty floor. Plus you swept it up and flushed it down the toilet."She told me.
"And you sat there and cried about it."I reminded her.
"I been thinking about it though..."She sighed.
"How much."I asked.
"A lot... I don't wanna talk about it right now."She mumbled. I shrugged. I'll leave it alone for now but I'll bring it back up later.
I dressed in a white shirt with red writing, red shorts and red bred 13's. The shoes were from last year but they still looked nice so I'm still wearing them.
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