Chapter 7

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Vanessa POV

"Can I have that number now?"She asked.

I ignored her and kept walking out of the building with my head hanging low. I didn't want to nor feel like talking to anybody.

Tears threatened to fall and I let them once I was safely inside my car.

I looked over at Peppa to see she was staring right back at me. She climbed over the seats and sat on me to get comfortable before she licked my tears away.

After five minutes, I finished crying. I picked up my phone and turned it on. I had the usual notifications from instagram and some texts from Markus and Mynetta. What made me pause was the thirty seven missed calls from Tamara. She's just probably wondering where I'm at. I shrugged and threw the phone down into the passenger seat.

I looked up and noticed that I was still in the parking lot of the prison. I was about to start up the car when the receptionist knocked on my window. "What?"I asked after pressing the button to wind the window down.

She leaned into the window, resting her arms on the framing. She was now popping pink bubble gum as she pushed her chest in my face. The top of her blouse was unbuttoned, which put her huge tits on display.

"I can get your mom outta hea'."She started.

My eyebrows raised. "How?"I asked, looking at her.

"You sure got your parents' genes. Listen, you do something for me, I do something for you."

"Something like what?"

"That, I can't tell you."She pulled a white card out of the back pocket of her black slacks. "Just gimme a call. The sooner I get what I want, the sooner you get your mom."And with that, she sashayed away from my car.

I threw the card down by my phone and pulled out of the parking lot.

"I guess we're headed to Texas tomorrow."I sighed.

When we got back to the hotel in New Orleans, I snuck Peppa back up to our suite.

"Never thought my life would be like this."I huffed.

For the rest of the day, I chilled. I decided to text Mynetta back from yesterday. Her and Markus. Malaysia apologized for her actions and words at the party a few days ago. The reason for her nausea was a sign of pregnancy, she told me that earlier. I congratulated her on it but she seemed a little off. I shrugged it off and just never minded it, I'll ask her about it when I get back to Detroit.

"I'ma call you back, my moms calling."I told Mynetta. She nodded, I ended our facetime call and answered Tamara's incoming phone call.

"Where the fuck are you!?"Tamara yelled into the phone which made me pull it away from my ear.

"Not at the house, obviously."I rolled my eyes. "I'm in Louisiana."

"I told you not to go there, it's dangerous down there."She scolded. "Dangerous or not, Louisiana is my home."I spat.

"I'm coming to get you."

"Tamara chill, I'm fucking twenty years old. My birthday is coming up, all I've ever wanted to do was meet my parents. You don't run me anymore, you're not my parent."I rambled.

"Okay okay, you're right. You're old enough to make your own decisions."She spoke, calming down a bit. I could tell she was still on edge though. "Yes, I am."I agreed.

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