With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
"Mama! Where did you go?"Alicia asked. Her voice made me jump. I️ thought everyone would be asleep by the time I️ got back.
"What're you doing up baby?"I️ asked, ignoring her question. "I️ was waiting for you. You were supposed to read us a bedtime story."She replied with a yawn. She was at the top of the stairs, staring down at me. I️ took off my heels and started to walk up the stairs.
"I'm sorry, mama got a little caught up."I️ mumbled.
"Doing what?"She questioned. "Why must you know so much,"I️ chuckled, ruffling her hair.
She forcefully pushed me off of her. "Girl gon' to bed."I️ rolled my eyes.
"I️ may not know exactly what you're doing Mama, but I️ think I️ have an idea. I️ hope you still love my Ma."She retorted before going into her bedroom. I️ sighed and just went to my bedroom. I️ got washed up and got in the bed.
I️ put my hand over on Mynetta's side of the bed and like usual, it was cold. I️ missed talking to her about pointless things and falling asleep mid conversation. I️ miss waking up to her beautiful face. I️ miss watching her sleep. I️ miss when she used to pull me close and press her pelvis against my behind.
That night, I️ cried myself to sleep. And when I️ woke up that following morning, all I️ did was cry.
"Hello?"I️ asked, pressing the phone to my ear.
"Wazzam baby!"Mena yelled into the phone. I️ pulled it away from my ear and looked at it.
"I'm not in the mood for talk."I️ replied.
"Why, what's wrong baby?"
"I️ just don't feel good."I️ kept it simple. I️f I️ went into detail, she wouldn't care. She doesn't care that I️ have a wife and children. She just wants me for my body; just to say she has me while my wife is doing time in jail.
"Would you like me to come over? I️ can make you feel better. I'll bring my cake too."She suggested.
"You know, that isn't a bad idea. Call me when you're outside."I️ told her.
We hung up and I️ wasted no time in completing my hygiene routine.
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I️ decided to go without make up today. I️ added a pair of earrings and my watch.
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