With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
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After I️ got dressed, did my make up and my hair, I️ plugged my earrings into my ears and headed outside with a few bands and my phone.
"What did your wife say?"One of my coworkers, Jalaia, asked. "She said okay. Gave me a few bucks to spend."I️ replied as I️ slid into the back seat. The four of us were in Jalaia's Camry, Jalaia, Lena, Ayanna and me. We were going out tonight, to loosen up and get to know each other outside of the workplace.
The short car ride was filled with talk and laughs; soon, we pulled up to one of the clubs Jalaia always goes to.
She says it's live with the hype music, drinks that'll get a bitch drunk quick and the crowds are wild. But I'll be the judge of that when I️ see it. We got out of the car and walked right past the bouncer and into the club. It's only ten and the crowd was always jumping like she said. While the three of them went straight to the bar, I️ scoped put the scene. I️ was not going to let myself come home sloppy drunk and act out in front of Alicia and Vanessa.
"Aren't you going to have a drink ?"Lena asked but I️ just shook my head.
"I'm good staying sober."I️ told her. She just shrugged and went back to the shots she had lined up.
"Don't be a party pooper,"Ayanna whined. "Okay fine."I️ took a seat and looked at the menu. I️ ordered a drink and took it to the head, just to shut them up. In no time, I️ was tipsy. We migrated close to the stage to watch the strippers dance. Before I️ left Vanessa told me that I️ could get a lap dance but I️ couldn't touch the stripper. She also told me to only make it drizzle, not rain let alone hail. I️ threw out a few ones at a time for each stripper until I️ ended up locking eye contact with one of them.
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She stared at me with lust in her eyes as she dropped down into a split. She started to twerk while still in a split before getting up. She winked at me, picked up every dollar off of the stage and left. I️ wasn't fazed by her movements but I️ was here to have fun. I️ could get as many lap dances as I️ wanted, as long as I️ didn't touch the girls. I️ was able to still have fun and follow my Wife's rules at the same time; it's actually not hard.