With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
"Nessa!"Mynetta moaned out as I pumped in and out of her. We had finally got around to getting some alone time since the baby is asleep right now.
Now, this isn't a honeymoon but it's the best we can do for the moment.
"Fuck!"She yelled as I quickened my velocity.
"Shh,"I mumbled, trying to shush her so that she didn't wake Alicia. "Shit!"
"Oh god!"
I collapsed in a heap beside my wife, both of us breathing heavily from the many sessions we just completed last night.
As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out. We haven't had sex in a few days and this just fixed the sexual frustrations we were facing.
When I woke that morning, I went straight to the shower and cleaned myself. When I was done with my hygiene routine, it was nine o'clock and right on cue, Alicia started to cry out.
I put the towel down and dashed off to her room before Mynetta could hear. I didn't want to wake her out of her sleep after last night.
"Hey Mama baby! Why you cryin'?"I asked as if she could understand what I was saying. Alicia is two months, three weeks and six days old.
When Mynetta has her, I was in awe. Despite all of the crying she was doing, I couldn't help but fall in love with her instantly. Mynetta and I had agreed that she would have our first baby and I would carry our second and for a first baby, Alicia was a handful at just this age. I think I'm going to have to rethink the decision I made about us having a second baby though.
For a two month old, Alicia is a quiet baby, except when she's hungry or needs her diaper changed. She rarely fights her sleep, she's just a tired baby, much like me, as an adult though.
When I came into view, her frown changed into a smile. Her reflex smile still hasn't disappeared yet and she didn't know it but she was making the most out of it every chance she got. A real smile doesn't start to happen until three months though. This little girl right here never cried real tears unless something is really wrong, other than that she just whines and makes noises.
"How ya doin', baby?"
I reached my arms out to pick her up from the crib she was laying in, I placed her up against my chest and her head instantly fell against my shoulder.
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"Are you hungry?"
As if on cue, she began to cry again. "Okay okay,"I rubbed her back as I rocked us while I walked back to my bedroom. I had to wake Mynetta up for this; she needed to feed our baby.
"Stop, it's okay baby..."I whispered as I shook Mynetta to try to wake her.