With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
I kept a large grin like smirk on my face as I waltzed into lunch. I got in the line for the box of chicken strips and fries. I grabbed the juice and paid for it and went to the table that I share with Tristen and Lotiezha.
"Ooh you look cute today! I like your shoes."Tristen said, giving my look for today a double take. She smiled before sitting down on the other side, beside Lotiezha.
"Thank you!"I smiled. "Bae got me lookin' right!"
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"Since when?"
"Well we not really baes but still. We fucked in her car yesterday."I boasted.
"In which car?"Tristen asked.
"Was she good?"Lotiezha asked.
"The Ferrari and omg, yes, amaze balls!"I smiled even harder, in my childish state.
"Girl you fuckin childish!"They both laughed which made me laugh too.
"So are yall official?"
"I don't know. I'm not going to ask either."
"So y'all just gon' be fuckin'?"
"Ion know. Yesterday was just a sample of what she could get if she cuffed me."I smirked.
"Cuffs you?"
"Yeah! What? What's the problem?"I asked when I saw her face all scrunched up.
"Girl you sixteen. How old is she? Twenty. She could go to jail."Lotiezha complained.
"No she won't. Keep your mouth shut and nobody gets hurt."I gritted my teeth today as I eyed her. "Okay okay. I won't say anything."She held her hands up in surrender.
"Their just four years apart, chill."Tristen backed me up.
"Both of y'all look cute by the way."I complimented as I stuffed the chicken tenders into my awaiting mouth.
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