Chapter 33

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Dream POV

"Hello?"I answered, putting the phone up to my ear.

"Is this Dream Summers?"The lady on the other end asked.

"Yes, this is she."I replied. "Who is this?"

"I am Nurse Lily. I'm calling regaining Mynetta Scott."

"What about her?"

"I found your number in her recents and you sent a text at the time that the paramedics found her. So the hospital told me to call you."

"What happened to her?"I asked. I took a deep breath preparing myself for whatever the hell this nurse was about to tell me.

"I am not allowed to release information over the phone. Just come to the hospital."And with that, the nurse hung up.

What the absolute fuck!? Mynetta was just at school so how could she have ended up in the hospital in a matter of minutes.

I rushed to put on my slippers and grab my keys.

Peppa watched me rush around the room, trying to collect my things but I didn't care. I was trying to hurry up. I ran down the staircase, damn near busting my face as I tripped over some.

"Where are you rushing off to? You're still in your pajamas!"Mama asked, but I just ignored her. It's fucking eleven in the morning and I woke up to that call. I didn't have time to do anything but brush my teeth and get going.

At top speed, I rushed out of the garage in my Audi, out of the neighborhood and down the street. The hospital that called me was a good thirty minutes away which was bad. I was worried and wondering about what the hell could've happened to her while she was gone.

After what felt like an eternity, I arrived and didn't waste any time looking for a parking spot. I parked in the first empty spot I saw, handicapped. My parking was crooked and at the moment I really didn't care about the way I parked or if I was going to get a ticket or not. I pushed past the people in my way and up to the receptionist at the desk.

"What room is Mynetta Scott in?"I asked, looking back and forth between her and the computer. I watched her type a few keys on the keyboard that was connected to the computer.

"You're Dream, right ?"


"Room 313. Third floor. Trauma unit. Do you need assistance getting there?"

"No thanks."I mumbled, and turned on my heel to the elevator. I got on and pressed the button for the third floor. My foot tapped against the floor as I waited for the doors to open.

"313,313!"I repeatedly whispered to myself as I looked at the numbers on the door. 301...309...310,311,312, got it. I barged into the room.

"Can I help you?"A doctor asked. "Mynetta Scott. She's supposed to be in here!"I stamped my foot as if that would give me more authority as to why I'm here before the patient is.

"Patient, Mynetta Scott is still in surgery. She'll be done with surgery and put in here at one this evening. Ma'am, do you need help?"

"What's wrong with her?"

"Who are you?"

"Got dammit nurse,"I screamed as I started to shake her. "What is wrong with her?"

"You're not supposed to be in here. Go back down to the waiting room and some one will be there to deliver the horrible news to you."

"Horrible news?"I asked.

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