Chapter 26

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Vanessa POV

"You look beautiful,"I smiled.

"Thank you. You too."She smiled back. I opened the door for her and buckled her seat belt. I closed her door and went over to the drivers side and got in, doing the same for myself.

I pulled off, blasting August Alsina's Pornstar. Tonight, I'm taking Mynetta out to a skating rink, then to dinner. She was looking damn good in that jumpsuit she had on.

I had dressed more casual since I knew where we were going though

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I had dressed more casual since I knew where we were going though.

She's going to be mad when I tell her that she has to take off her heels though

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She's going to be mad when I tell her that she has to take off her heels though. We pulled up to the skating rink and I jogged around to her side to open the door for her. I swiftly pulled her hand into mine and intertwined our fingers.

"Skating? Awh hell no!"She screamed when we walked into the building. "Hell yes!"I corrected, chuckling.

"You mean, I have to put on those ugly skates?!"

I nodded as I payed the lady for two. I practically dragged her over to the shoes. She sat at an empty table while I picked out two pairs of shoes that matched our feet. "I'm not putting those on."She refused.

"Girl stop fuckin' around and put these damn shoes on."I slid the ones that fit her feet over to her. I pulled on mine and waited for her to put hers on.

"Those things have germs inside them, just waiting to spread through feet. You can go out there and skate by yourself. I'll sit here and watch."

"Babe!"I whined, sticking out my bottom lip, getting ready to pout.

She stared at me with a blank face so I poked my lip out some more. "Okay okay,"She rolled her eyes and started to unstrap her heels. I helped her put the skates on and I hid our heels in a small space under the rinks' surrounding wall. Ion trust none of the people here, they steal, so I hid them. I grabbed her arm and held onto the wall for support. The rink was slippery as hell and now I'm starting to rethink this date. Why the hell did I pick the skating rink of all things?...

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