With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
I pulled off from Kmart and started on my way home.
Mama texted me, interrupting my date telling me that their was an emergency back home. What the hell could the emergency be though?
When I left the house for the second time today, everything was fine. Tam was cooking dinner, Momma was taking a nap, Peppa's fat self was eating and Mama was out in the backyard, reading by the pool. So what could've went wrong while I was gone for an hour and a half ?
I made it home and parked in Tam's usual spot, alongside my Ferrari. "Tam, what's going on?"I asked as soon as I stepped inside the house.
"Melanie and Kamille are fighting again. They need to go to the hospital."Tam replied.
"Why didn't you take them?"I asked. "Because you had my car and I couldn't find your keys. So I fixed them up here."She lead me out to the backyard. "But if you were here at the time you could've—."She started again but got cut off when my moms yelled "surprise!"
"What?"I asked, looking between the three of them.
Momma turned me around and I came face to face with the nose of a car. "What is this?"I asked.
"Our present since we couldn't get you anything on time when your birthday came. It's an Audi A5 Cabriolet, up to date just like you like them."Mama explained. I took in its appearance; all black, two door with SV42 Savini rims. "All yours baby."Momma handed me the keys and I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you."I thanked the three of them before hopping in the driver seat. I plugged the keys in to start the ignition so I could bring it around the front and put it in the garage. I breathed in that new car smell, that I loved so much. I loved the smell of new stuff; new house smell, new car smell, new shoe smell. Oh my goodness, new shit just... as crazy as this sounds, yes! I took a picture of the car and posted it to Snapchat.
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I'm definitely going to drive this clean mean thing to school tomorrow! ~~~
When I awoke this morning, I saw two texts come in from two different people. They both said "good morning beautiful" from Mynetta and Layla. I texted them both back saying the same thing, "mornin'" with the smile face emoji. I checked my other messages, Malaysia.
She sent me a picture of Markus and I kissing. Awh damn! How did she even get that? I swear I told Mynetta not to send that bullshit to Malaysia.
"I thought we was cool Dream."I read from the text. I shook my head and got to explaining how that even happened. Then I called Mynetta's messy ass. She's just mad because I keep turning her ass down every time she asks me out, so, as payback; she sent this picture to Malaysia to get her pissed off. I huffed and puffed, ready to go off on Mynetta.
"I thought I told your ass not to send that picture to Malaysia."I snapped as soon as she answered the phone.