With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
"Whoa! First she bought you a new phone, an expensive one at that and now she's buying you shelter. You gotta good one."Tristen told me.
"I know."I agreed. "Seems like she loves you,"Kehlani added.
"She does."I agreed with that too. I've been so happy the past few days. Dream is doing all she can to keep my happy and I'm loving it. Every single second of it.
Physically, I haven't seen Dream in three days. When she bought the condo for me was the last time I saw her. I mean, we text and some times we face time but not as much as we used to. And when we do FaceTime, she's always either outside, driving around or in the backyard of her house. She's never in the house when we get on FaceTime and I'm beginning to think that something is up with that. I could be wrong though; but to make sure, I'm going to go by her house later tonight. I'll take the bus since I know she won't bring me to her house intentionally. In fact, I haven't been in her house since that run in with her parents. I guess I'll just have to do something special for her parents if I want to get on their good side. I need their good wishes and grace so when I pop up with Dream's baby, they'll welcome me and take care of me with open arms. I have been secretly collecting Dream's cum from every time we've had sex and the bank already mixed it with the sperm donor that I chose, sperm. I just need to get in good with her parents so I can go get the operation done so I can be pregnant. I know the type of life Dream lives; the good life. And I need that so I don't ever have to go live back in some trailer park trash again. I know that Dream will take care of me if I get pregnant with her baby.
I was bought out of my thoughts when the bell rang for every one to go to class. I headed to first block with Kehlani following close behind me. We had the same first block, same teacher and she sits right by me all the way in the back of the classroom. I slid into my seat and pulled out my notebook to write down the daily sentence. She turned around ready to say something to me but all I was looking at was her face–her lips, to be exact.
Dream's lips were juicer looking and so was Kehlani's. Shit! I took a good look at her for the first time since we met, coming to the conclusion that Kehlani was really pretty. She's mixed, her mom is black and Italian, and her dad is white. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out, hoping that it was Dream; it wasn't. It was Kehlani, I looked up to her staring down at her phone as well. I opened the text that she sent and waited for the photo to finish uploading. I tapped it. A picture of her in a dark blue set which complimented her light skin complexion.
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Damn! The text she sent right after read "I took this yesterday". I stared at the photo and the text for a minute before replying with two heart eyes.
"Thank you."The teacher told me as she snatched the phone out of my hand. She did the same to Kehlani and went up to the front to sit them on her desk.
"This bitch."I mumbled to myself. "I'll go get them back."Kehlani told me. I nodded and watched her get up and walk to the front. I watched her ass jiggle in the khakis that she was wearing.
She went up and snatched both mine and her phones off of the teachers desk and sashayed back over to the desk. She sat mine in front of me and that sent the teacher into over drive.
I smirked, hearing the teacher go off on Kehlani. Kehlani just shrugged like she didn't really care that the teacher was pissed.
"I want both of you, out!"She screamed pointing towards the door.
"Shid this class boring anyway. Fuck you, fuck all these kids up in here and fuck this hard ass curriculum."Kehlani screamed back. A few gasps erupted through out the class but then it grew awkwardly quiet. "Damn,"I mumbled. We walked out of the class and just stood in the hall waiting for our write ups that I knew was coming. The door opened and she stuck her hand out, dropping the two write ups on the floor. I snatched mine off the floor and read it.
"Disobedience, disturbing the class, failure to complete class work."I read. I huffed. I tried to open the door so I could fuss at her about this writing. It was locked. "Bitch I did my work! I was quiet as duck, how was I a disturbance and disobedience? The fuck, I'm not a dog."I went off.
"Girl, fuck this shit."Kehlani took hers off the floor and took mine from me. She ripped the both of them up and tossed them into the trash can. A few minutes later, we both found our selves waltzing around campus for the rest of the hour.
"What're we gonna do now?"She asked.
"I'll see if my girlfriend can pick us up and we can chill at my condo or something."I suggested, pulling my phone out to call Dream. Actually, I wanted some time alone with Dream but I couldn't just leave my friend hanging like that. "Fine but I'll have to be home by 4:00 since that's the time the bus drops me off."She replied.