Chapter 43

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Vanessa POV

"What the hell is wrong with You Malaysia?!"I pushed her away from me.

This is the second time she's kissed me today. I honestly don't know why she keeps trying to kiss and touch all over me but it's making me feel weird. We had just got back it back to the apartment from dinner and she couldn't control her feel senses around me.

"Come here, you know you want it."Malaysia spoke, lowly. The fuck got into her today? "No I don't because I don't even know what it is."I told her. "I know what you want,"She smiled, taking my hand.

"Just let me pleasure you. Please, Vanessa?!"

"We're just friends, Malaysia, you know that."I tried to wiggle my hand out of her hand but she held a tight grip on me.

"Exactly. If we're just friends, let me do this. It shouldn't mean anything since we're just friends. Plus, friends do stuff like this all the time."She explained.

"Are you sure?"I asked, no longer trying to fight against her grasp.

She nodded. "Okay,"I mumbled. I didn't feel right about doing this with her to begin with, so I didn't move. I wasn't going to do this with her. Malaysia and I have been friends for six years and she's never bought this up before so what's up with the sudden weird ideas. I plopped down on the couch and picked up the remote to turn the television on.

"Malaysia stop."I uttered as she sat down in my lap, facing me. She took the remote out of my hand and tossed it to the other side of the couch. I haven't had any sexual interactions in four years so I was kind of on edge about doing this. I was feigning for some action, but not from her. I don't want to ruin our friendship over something so stupid. So I was going to oppose this every time she tried it.

"Malaysia stop."I repeated but she continued to kiss on my neck. I leaned my head to the side to protect the other side of my neck, because I know that's where my spots at. If she got there and sucked on it right, she could make me do anything she wanted. But I don't want that to happen.

"Stooop, Malaysia please."I whined, mustering up the courage and strength to push her off of me. But when I did that, my head move because I forgot to protect my neck and she went in for the kill. "Just relax,"She said as she ran her hands around my body.

This is not right, I thought.

The sound of a phone ringing took me out of the trance that Malaysia had me in, right on time.

I looked around for the ringing phone and found that it was mine. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it without looking at the caller ID. I pushed Malaysia off of me, watching as she landed on her butt on the floor as I pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello?"I asked.

"Vanessa!"Misty screamed into the phone.


"You said you would call me after you finished hanging out with your friend. It's well over nine, which is when you told me you would be back home. I just thought you went to sleep and forgot about me."She rambled.

"Ian forget about you, actually I was just getting home. My friend had a problem which made us run a little late."I lied. I did forget about Misty for a quick minute but I'm so glad that she was concerned enough about it to call me.

"So you're home now?"

"That's what I said."I chuckled.

"Great, so can I come over. Maybe spend the night and we can watch movies."

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