Chapter 59

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Angel in M/M
Vanessa POV

When Mynetta went away, I️ was forced to take on a second job. I️ mean, the first job paid well. I️ use the check from the first job to pay bills, the two car notes, and to put food on the table.

I️ use the money from the second job to buy the clothes they need, to pay for the home school teacher/babysitter, and to pay for whatever the kids want.

When I'm off for the day for one job, I️ make sure to take off for the other. Like yesterday. Getting a second job, I️ was forced to converse with the coworkers over there because we bump into each other every ten minutes. I️ pulled into the drive way of the house and parked the car. I️ got out and went inside. I️ had just gotten off from my first job at the hospital and I️ was tired. But I️ could not sleep. I️ had children to take care of.

"They're both asleep and before they went to sleep, they ate lunch. So they should be fine for the next few hours."The baby sitter, Ernecia(er-niece-see-uh), explained as soon as I️ walked in.

"Thank you. I'll have your check tomorrow morning."

"Okay."And with that, she left. Ernecia is a thirty year old lady that specializes in children. She's helpful around the house and I'm thankful for her.

I️ went straight upstairs to check on the kids. They were asleep, like she said. I️ went to my room and took off my scrubs. Before I️ could get in the shower, I️ was asleep in the bed.

As an Anesthesiologist, I️ work from 9 am to 5pm. My second job requires me to work from 10pm to 3am. That leaves six hours in the morning and five in the afternoon, between jobs that I️ have for my personal life.

I️ slept like a baby that evening. "Ma,"Alicia whispered as she poked my face. My eyes fluttered open as I️ stared at her.

"Angel needs her diaper changed."She spoke. Thats when I️ jumped up.

"Gosh, what time is it?"I️ asked. "It's okay. I️ did it."She stopped me.

"You did what ?"

"Changed her diaper. Stinky poop!"She held up the dirty diaper.

"Thank you. Now go throw that away and wash your hands."I️ told her.

I️ picked up my iPhone7plus and checked the time. The clock read eight thirty pm. The screen was severely cracked and sometimes the phone glitches out. I️ decided that it's time for a new phone. So I️ quickly ordered the Iphone8 off Amazon.

After that, I️ went to get my baby out of her crib.

"Hey mama baby!"i greeted. She smiled when she saw me and held her hands out so I️ could pick her up.

We ate dinner and completed our usual bedtime routine. Once they were sleep and Ernecia was here to watch them, I️ went to my room to get ready for work.

 Once they were sleep and Ernecia was here to watch them, I️ went to my room to get ready for work

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I️ don't wear revealing clothing like the other strippers I️ work with. I am still married and I️ respect my marriage enough to cover up my body parts as much as possible in a field such as this one.

I pulled on a pair of white Tamara Mellon Frontline 75-glitter heels and strapped them up. I️ sprayed on sexy perfume and fixed the wig on my head. It was a jet black, straight, silky soft, waist length wig. I️ decided to go with no make up tonight.

I️ took up the car keys to my car and went downstairs.

I️n no time I️ made it to the club where I️ work. I️ ditched the duffel bag and went through the back. After clocking in with the boss, I went to the dressing rooms.

"Hey y'all."I greeted. Some of the girls greeted back, others just continued with what they were doing before I️ came. Out of the fifteen strippers that work here, I️ only occasionally talk to three of them. There's Sugar, whose real name is Lakrista. There's Cinnamon, whose real name is Kendall. Then there's Sex, whose real name is Mena. I️ have many shifts tonight so I️ just know that my feet will be hurting when I'm done. When I️ come to the club, all I️ do is work. When my shifts are over, I️m in the dressing room. I️ don't drink, I️ don't party, I️ don't do lap dances or private dances. I️ dance on the stage and that's it. Nothing more nothing less. It pays good money and I️ leave with at least five thousand a night.

"What're you doing when you leave here?"Mena asked me. "Home."I️ simply replied.

"You never go anywhere."She whined. "Girl you forgot she has two kids to take care of."Lakrista butted in. Lakrista is kind of like me, she has a son she's trying to raise and her baby's father is incarcerated on a murder charge. She got kicked out of her mothers house when she bought her baby daddy home to meet her family and turned up pregnant at the same time. Mena is more of the party type. She's always in the club, drinking and doing drugs. She's had six abortions and goes to bed with a different guy every night. Kendall is the quiet type, she never speaks unless spoken to. She doesn't have any kids and has never been pregnant. She's gay and has a girlfriend. Kendall says she's going to quit stripping when she turns thirty and become a house wife for her lady. They're my associates, I️ don't hang with them enough to call them friends. I️ only see them at work and follow them on Instagram and Snapchat but that's it.

"Oh yeah. We'll you should get a baby sitter so we can go out some time."Mena replied. I️ shook my head. She never took no for an answer. I️ just said okay to end the conversation.

I️ completed a good nights work and strutted out of the club with two trash bags filled with money.

C. Baby

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