Chapter 73

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Vanessa's outfit on right in multimedia!! Mynetta's outfit in middle and Jalaia's outfit is on the left!!
Mynetta POV

Jalaia and I were going out to dinner tonight at eight. I was in the middle of getting ready. I had just freshened up and got dressed.

I was in the middle of doing my hair and make up when I heard the kids squeal from downstairs. They sounded happy. Ernecia must've given them a gift or something. I continued on my hair and make up. When I was finished, I pulled on my heels and fixed my jewelry. I decided to go with no purse and just had the two cards I took from Vanessa. I still had the four hundred in cash in the back of it as well.

I heard feet running up the stairs. I couldn't be one of the kids because this set of feet sounded heavier. Ernecia doesn't run at all do to her foot. Who the hell could that be because I know Jalaia wasn't inside of my house.

"Hello,"The all too familiar voice spoke. I looked up through the mirror to see a person that I wasn't expecting. Vanessa...

"What are you doing here?"I asked through clenched teeth. This was not a good time...

"What do you mean? I live here. I'm here to apologize to my wife and get my family back."She replied as she walked up to me. She tried to pull me into her body but I refused.

"Now is not a good time. I'm sure your apology can wait."I refused to break too easily. I have to hold my guard up. She has to fight for me if she really wants me back.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Fuck you mean it can wait?! I'm tryna now things right between us."She looked at me with that crazy look on her face. I looked away from her and studied myself in the mirror. I looked like a walking bag of money.

"And where do you think you're going?"She asked as if she was my mama.

"Out."I replied simply.

"Out where? With who?"She questioned. "Where I'm going is not your business and who I'm going with also isn't your business."I snapped.

"Lemme find out you doing something you're not supposed to be doing!"She retorted. "And what will you do? Cheat on me, again?"I asked putting emphasis on the last word.

"Baby, you know I—."She started but I cut her off with my hand.

"Don't even bother trying to feed me with you ain't shit excuse. I don't want an apology..."I trailed off, feeling my eyes begin to water. "I just want to know why..."I added as I bit back the tears. "I have to go!"I pushed past her and walked down the hall to the stairs. I heard a car horn beep which changed my mood.

"That's my ride."I smiled.

"Have fun."Ernecia told me. "I will,"I replied.

"Who the fuck is that you call yourself leaving with?!"Vanessa asked, getting all offensive. I just ignored her and continued to walk out of the house. She followed me out of the house and watched me get into the passenger side of Jalaia's car.

"That's your wife?"She asked. "Ex wife,"I lied. She pulled out of the drive way and sped off.

I let out a deep breath. The car ride was filled with conversation and laughs. But soon, the music took over the oncoming silence.

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