With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
Well, it's almost been a year since my baby was infected with Herpes and Trichomoniasis. Her treatment has been going fabulous, she's getting better and I'm thankful for that. The physical appearance Herpes gives off only flares up when she's scared or nervous, so Vanessa and I try not to do things that'll trigger it to show. As for Trich, it went away a few months ago after a tough battle. Normally it would go away weeks after it came but this sickness put up a fight. However, it is permanently gone and now we're just worrying about the Herpes. Alicia is a year old now and looks healthier than she actually is which is both good and bad.
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When she was first diagnosed and hospitalized, Vanessa and I️ were both emotional wrecks. But as time went on for me, I️ was able to overcome the sadness and anger followed. I️ was angry at whoever did this to her. I️ mean, I️ know Alexis did this; I️ just don't know where she's at. It seems like she fled Bahamas as soon as the situation happened. Whenever I️ find her, though, she's going to pay for what she did to my baby. Damn near draining us financially, definitely emotionally. Her mental has to be fucked up to mess with a child's health. Sick bastard!
"Baby!"Vanessa screamed. "What?"I️ screamed as I damn near fell out of the bed.
"Were you thinking about it again?"She glanced down at my hands, so I️ looked down too. My hands were balled into clenched, tight fists. I️ sighed and nodded; my wife knew me all too well. We've been married for three years and everything between us is going great. She's all I've ever wanted in a woman, despite the dirty things she did to me back when we were younger. Still, I️ accepted her for who she was because of the love I️ had for her. Our love grows stronger by the day, she's a necessity for my life.
"Babe, stop please. Karma comes back around for everyone, whether good or bad. Let God handle it this time, okay?"She tried to reason with me but I️ wasn't hearing it.
"She put my baby in danger, you think ima let that shit go? No!"I️ shouted. Every time she thought that I️ was getting my revenge on her ex, she'd say the same shit and I'm tired of hearing it.
Her eyes widened, she was taken aback by my outburst.
"Nah, fuck that,"I️ interrupted her. She's got some nerve always telling me to let God handle it. "You still love her?, is that why you keep saying the same shit? Do you?"I️ accused. Vanessa was starting to piss me off with this shit early in the morning.
"I've got to go give Alicia her medicine."She dismissed the conversation as she got off of the bed and walked out of the room; I️ followed her.
"You still love her, don't you?"I️ continued to ask as I️ followed her down the short hall to Alicia's nursery.
"I️ can't concentrate,"She mumbled as she got the pill out of the pill bottle and a bottle of milk from the mini refrigerator.