With both parents gone, little Vanessa is left to fiend for herself all the way across the country. She doesn't know any other place but Louisiana, which results in uncontrollable behavior when taken out of her comfort zone...
"I don't want to wear the mask!"She screamed, slapping it away. "Baby listen, okay? You have to. You want to come with me don't you?"I asked.
"Yes but I don't want to wear the mask. It makes me itch."She refused.
A pout look rested on her face which made me give in. I sighed and got up. "Okay fine."I gave in.
"Finish putting on your shoes and wait for me downstairs."I told her as I walked out of her room. Today, I was off work but Vanessa had to go. So we were going to drop her off, then go to get my iPhone X fixed. Angel was playing on it and dropped it on the floor which made the screen protecter shatter. I had to get a new one. After that, we have to go to the store to pick up some stuff for dinner. And that's just three of the many things I had to do today and I thought to bring Alicia with me. Angel was going to stay home with Ernecia. This outing was for the two of us to spend some long lost time with each other.
When I got back to my room, Vanessa was just stepping out of the shower. While she was getting cleaned up, I was getting dressed. I had a jump start because I had to wake up earlier than her to help Alicia get ready.
I went straight to the huge walk in closet and over to my side of it.
"Hm, what am I in the mood for today?"I asked myself. I picked Pablo up and asked him the same question that I asked myself. He just licked me and climbed up on my shoulder to get comfortable.
"Is this today's outfit?"I asked him. He sniffed the shirt and turned away. "I guess not."I chuckled as I moved over to a different shirt. I pulled it off the hanger and picked out a pair of high waisted jeans. For footwear, I picked out black heels. Dang, I thought, I really need to update my wardrobe.
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"You ready?"I asked, coming out of the closet. I was dressed and ready to go; Pablo was still laying on my shoulder.
"Yes."Vanessa replied. She was dressed in her blue scrubs and work shoes.
"When's your next day off?"I asked her as I bent over to put Pablo back on the floor.
"Shoot, I work tomorrow."I face palmed myself.
"You could take off."She smirked as she came closer to me. "Call in sick."She suggested. I shook my head. "I don't know."I replied.
"Please? We haven't had sex in three days."
"That's because we both come home too tired to even eat dinner."I responded.