Chapter 2

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The moment I stepped in the door all the composure I recently gained deflated out of my body. This could not be Mr. Williams. This man hardly looked older than me! I was expecting a much older man with a protruding belly and possibly thinning hair. I cleared my throat as I gawked at Mr. Williams. He was looking down reading something at his desk, probably my resume, so I had time to ogle him. He had dirty blonde hair that looked even darker as it was gelled back. His strong jawline was clean shaven and even though he was wearing a suit I could clearly tell he was in shape. It was easy to see his biceps bulging even through his suit jacket.

Wait a minute! I was supposed to be here for an interview, not drooling over my potential boss. Get a hold of yourself and focus! Mr. Williams still had his head down reading when I walked across the room to his desk. I braced myself as I cleared my throat again to get his attention. His eyes instantly flickered up to meet mine. Oh God, I could get lost in those beautiful brown eyes. They slowly shifted down my face to run down my body and back up before meeting my eyes again, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. To avoid any awkwardness I smiled, extended my hand toward Mr. Williams, and said, "Hello Mr. Williams, it's nice to meet you. I'm Danielle Thompson." The corner of his mouth lifted up in a smirk before he took my hand in his and shook it. I loosened my grip on his hand and tried to pull back but his grip strengthened and prevented me from moving. My smile fell slightly. "Sir?" I asked questioningly, silently praying he would let my hand go. His actions were not helping me control my nervous state. He still had not spoken but finally released my hand. What's with this guy? How are we supposed to continue with this interview if he wasn't going to--

"Ms. Thompson, please have a seat," he said interrupting my thought while gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. He didn't take his eyes off of me as I sat. I was trying to maintain my calm demeanor but it was becoming harder and harder with each passing second of his staring. My hands began to fidget on their own accord. His eyes zeroed in on my hands and I immediately clasped them together to stop myself. The smirk returned to his face letting me know that he knew exactly what he was doing. Instead of torturing me further he began, "So Ms. Thompson, tell me about yourself." I always despised this question in interviews. My life was boring and predictable. There was nothing to share.

Plastering on a fake smile I replied, "Well Mr. Williams I recently graduated from college with a degree in accounting. I--"

"I meant tell me about yourself outside of work," he cut in.

Unsure what he meant I asked, "Are you sure you wouldn't rather hear about my qualifications for the job?"

He slowly shook his head before answering, "That can wait. I want to get to know you." Taken aback by his answer my eyes widened.

Hesitantly I answered, "...Ok... I-I don't really know what to tell you. I like to read, knit, and paint. I moved here after I graduated so I'm still trying to make friends and get used to living on my own." Mr. Williams' eyes lit up at that last piece of information, odd.

"That sounds lonely," he said playfully, "maybe I can take you out and show you a good time." Cheesy!, I thought, and a little creepy. You don't even know him.

Choosing to ignore his comment I told him, "With all due respect sir I'd rather proceed with the interview." At my words something flashed in his eyes but it left too quickly for me to read the emotion there.

"Sure," he said in a cold tone.


He finished the rest of the interview in a professional way that almost caused me to forget about how he acted at the start. "That concludes the interview Ms. Thompson. You'll be hearing from us soon regarding my decision," he stood up as he spoke.

I stood with him and offered another handshake while saying, "Thank you for your time Mr. Williams. It was a pleasure to meet you."

A slow smile spread across his face and he covered my hand with his other hand. "The pleasure was all mine Ms. Thompson." My smile faltered but stayed in place. He gave me a weird vibe but I'm sure I was looking too deep into it. I never could read men well. He probably didn't mean anything by his tone. Backing away from Mr. Williams I bumped into the chair behind me and stumbled a little before catching my balance. My face heated with embarrassment when I heard a small chuckle escape him. He tried to stifle it by covering his mouth with his hand but I still heard it. Quickly I turned from him and took my walk of shame to the door. It was such a long walk before I exited his office. After closing the door I leaned against it groaning and shut my eyes.

"How was it dearie?" Angie asked causing me to squeak in fright. I had forgotten she was out here.

" was alright," I said letting out a nervous chuckle.

"You don't sound so sure." She looked at me with concern.

"It wasn't a typical interview," I spoke thoughtfully.

Angie's eyes widened and she muttered to herself, "Oh my, he's going to do it to another one. He just can't control himself."

"Excuse me?" I asked. "What are you talking about?"

Angie looked toward Mr. Williams' door before she whispered, "I don't want to scare you dear but Mr. Williams can be...well, inappropriate in his behavior at times. He's had 3 secretaries already this year and they all quit."

"What do you mean by inappropriate? Why did his secretaries quit?" my voice wasn't as quiet as Angie's so she shushed me harshly. I tried to hold my laugh in. This lady reminded me of my grandma. She was sweet one minute and feisty the next. I missed my grandma. She died earlier this year before I graduated. After my parents died when I was 10 she took care of me and raised me. Now that she died I really was alone. I shook myself out of my melancholy thoughts in time to hear Angie's explanation.

"He's a young man, just turned 25, so he's still a little wild. He's smart when it come to his business. However, in everything else he's impulsive and reckless. He's used to getting everything he wants, including women." I rolled my eyes at her description of Mr. Williams. So he was arrogant, that didn't bother me. I just wanted the job. I wasn't interested in him any other way besides professionally. "All I'm saying is watch yourself around him dearie. You're a beautiful woman and I'm sure Mr. Williams has noticed. You don't want to be on his radar, trust me."

"I haven't even gotten the job yet Angie. You're worrying for nothing."

"You don't know who else he's interviewed this week. You're the only one who's solely here for work-related purposes. He's going to hire you and I know it," she assured me with a warm smile.

"I hope you're right."

"Oh I am! Mr. Williams can't afford to lose another secretary. I'm from another department and have been helping him out while he was searching for a new secretary. It's time for me to head back to where I belong but you, you're perfect. He needs someone reliable to keep him on his toes," she wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively.

And that was my cue to leave. "Well Angie, it was very nice to meet you. I hope to see you again soon!"

"Yes, yes! You'll be hearing from me soon to congratulate you on your new job," Angie excitedly told me. I waved goodbye while walking to the elevator and then pressed the button to go down. Once the doors opened I stepped inside and pressed G to go to the garage. As the doors closed I thought to myself, and now you wait.

Brett at the top! Soon we'll see if Danielle gets the job and gets to work closer with Brett, I mean Mr. Williams 😉

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