Chapter 1

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My alarm went off, louder than necessary, causing me to jerk into an upright position before I leaned over to my dresser and turned it off. I blew out a breath and pushed my hair out of my face. Today was the day of my interview at Williams Enterprises. I was going for the secretary position even though I believed I was overqualified for the job with my Bachelor's Degree in accounting. Unfortunately for me there were no entry level positions open in the accounting department. I recently graduated from college six months ago but since then I've had trouble finding a job not involving working in the food industry. I worked as a waitress up until a few weeks ago which wasn't a bad job but I wanted to work in my field so I jumped at the chance to get my foot in the door at Williams Enterprises. Sure it was a secretary position I was applying for but I had faith that if I was hired I could work my way to the accounting department over time.

As I rolled out of bed my feet hit the floor and I stumbled to the bathroom. Gosh it was too early to be up! It was currently six am. I haven't been awake this early since high school! In college I preferred to take night classes and as a waitress I chose to work the night shifts. If I got this job I would have to get used to waking up so early. My interview was at eight and it would take me 30 minutes to get to the building but seeing as how I was going to be driving to a place I've never been I wanted to leave at seven. Maybe I should have given myself more time to get ready. I would need to hurry in order to leave on time.

I quickly hopped in the shower and used my coconut water body wash. Man that stuff smelled so good! Once out I got dressed, but not before putting on lotion and deodorant. Freshness was a must for today. I was attempting to stay calm but I could already feel myself becoming anxious about my impending interview. I had no idea what to expect but I was going to stay positive. I applied light make up and a natural lip stick color before putting my hair in a french braid that reached down in between my shoulder blades. Lastly, I put on my nude heels to finish my look. Stepping in front of my full length mirror I admired my outfit. I had settled on a simple sleeveless black dress that hugged my curves and went down to my knees with a thin black belt around my waist. I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to myself. My talent and knowledge was what I would be showcasing today, not my body. Finally I left my apartment and headed to my car. After inputting the address of Williams Enterprises into the navigator on my phone I left for my interview.

About 30 minutes later I made it there and parked my car in the parking garage. Since it was still early there was ample time for me to calm myself down. I had started sweating again and my breath was coming in short pants. Just breathe, I told myself. It's not as if I wasn't qualified for the position. I just hated interviews. I got tongue tied and short of breath when I tried to answer the questions. Today I was determined to make sure that didn't happen. Now looking at the clock it read 7:45. Time to go in. I stepped into the elevator and pressed 20 to ride all the way to the top floor. The elevator stopped every now and then to let people on or off so it took a few minutes before I made it to my floor. Once I finally walked out of the elevator it was 7:52. There was an old lady with white hair sitting at a desk next to what I would presume to be the boss's office. I tried to exude confidence but inside I was shaking like a leaf. She looked up at me and must have sensed my nervousness because she offered me a warm smile before saying, "Hello there. My name is Angie. You must be Ms. Thompson,"

"Y-yes that's the me," I stammered out while internally cursing myself.

"You're a little bit early for your interview but I'll let Mr. Williams know you're here." Looking around I noticed a small leather couch against the wall across from the desk Angie was sitting at. I sat on it, first crossing my ankles, then twisting my hands in nervousness. Angie called Mr. Williams on the phone. There was hardly any breath left in my lungs when she informed me, "Mr. Williams will see you now." Standing up I smoothed down my dress and took a deep breath. As I got to the door Angie's soft voice stopped me, "Good luck my dear...and be careful." I frowned in confusion at the sudden serious expression on her face. Where did that come from? Brushing the strange warning off I squared my shoulders then knocked on the door. Once I heard a masculine voice say,

"Come in," I lifted my head up, opened the door, and walked in.

Picture at the top is the dress Danielle is wearing.
I know it may be starting out slow but in the next chapter we get to meet Brett 👀

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