Chapter 7

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Before beginning I want to let you all know that in this chapter we will be seeing two different points of view. First will be Danielle's POV and then will be "Unknown" POV. "Unknown" POV will give more background on Brett and lead into where Danielle's POV ends. Hopefully this will not be too confusing. It should be easy to guess who Unknown POV is once you start reading it lol. Anyway, on to the story! Hope you enjoy!

P.S. this is going to be a LONG chapter!

Danielle POV

With the kiss he wrapped his arms around me in a vice like grip. One hand was at my waist and the other was moving up my side to my breast. I struggled to break away from the kiss and slide my arms onto his chest. He had us pressed so close together I was barely able to fit my arms between us but when I did I pushed myself back and screamed as loud as I could.

"You're a feisty one aren't you? It's ok sweetheart. I like screamers. Plus, we don't need to worry about anyone barging in on us since we're the only two on this floor." I froze at his words and looked up at him in horror. In my panicked state I had forgotten that we were isolated and no one was around to help me. At the look on my face he brought one hand up to gently caress my cheek and said, "Shh don't cry Danielle. I promise you it'll feel so good." His attempt at comforting me did not have his desired effect and I began to fight him in earnest. As I already knew, I was no match for Mr. Williams. I swung at him with my fist and hit him hard enough in his mouth to draw blood but he seemed unaffected. He grabbed both of my wrists in his hands and pinned them against the wall above my head. He pressed his body to mine and eliminated not only the space I had created between us but also my last glimmer of hope. He leaned in for another kiss but I turned my head to the side. Undeterred Mr. Williams persisted to kiss my temple and trail kisses all the way down to my jawline.

"Please don't do this," I said in a broken voice. He didn't even respond and continued pressing his lips to my neck. As he did this he put both of my wrists together and held them with one hand and used the other to grope me. I squirmed against his hold and he chuckled. "Go ahead and grind on me all you want. It's turning me on beautiful." I ceased my movement after hearing that and began to cry again out of frustration. I closed my eyes beginning to give up the fight but they popped open when I felt his hand go under my shirt. His hand went from my waist to my stomach where he lazily swirled his fingers around. I couldn't stand the feel of his hands on my body. His hand moved up and he cupped my breast through my bra.

In a last ditch effort to save myself I managed to squeeze my leg in between his. Because he was so distracted in the process of molesting me he didn't notice until it was too late. His head whipped up from my neck and he stared me in the eyes right as my knee made contact with his crotch. I put all the force I could into it. He instantly released me from his hold opting to hold his bruised ego instead. I released a short breath in relief before I was kicked into action. Mr. Williams' office was close to the size of my entire apartment so I had a lot of ground to cover before I could make it out of his office and to the elevator. I just hoped the elevator didn't take too long to make it up to our floor.

I ran around him tripping over my own feet in my haste. My escape was not going to be thwarted by me falling so I took off my shoes and proceeded towards Mr. Williams' door. Halfway there I heard him scream, "You bitch!" sounding the angriest I'd ever heard him. Hearing him stumble to his feet had me scurrying to the door even faster. I burst through the door and closed it behind me. I ran past my desk and out of the reception area glancing to the back of me.

I made it to the elevator right as the doors were opening and slammed into a warm, broad, and solid chest. I lost my balance and felt a strong arm wrap around my waist. The arm around me brought me back to the chest. My head was spinning as I struggled to look up and up through my black spotted vision into the face of what looked like Mr. Williams' bigger and stronger twin. I screamed in fear and then gave in to the darkness.

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