Chapter 20

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Bryan POV

"What about this one Bryan?" Danielle asked looking up at me expectantly.

We were looking at Christmas trees and Danielle told me that we both needed to agree on one before taking it home. I tried to tell her that I would like anything she picked out but she insisted I give her my feedback.

"It's great princess."

"You said that about the last 10! They can't all be great," she said accusingly.

"Well I'm a novice at picking Christmas trees. Why don't you help me out and tell me what to look for?" I suggested.

Five minutes later I found myself regretting what I said. It seemed I had opened a floodgate when asking Danielle to share her knowledge with me. She dragged me through the maze of trees as she lectured me with an adorably serious expression. Her speech was cut off by her gasp and she started to squeal while clapping her small hands together.

"This is the one. Don't you think so?" she said with a dreamy look on her face.

"I have to admit I like this one more than all the others we've looked at. Let's get it." I waved a worker over to take the the tree to get trimmed before we got it to the car.

"While you're getting the tree I'm going to get a head start on shopping for the decorations and ornaments," Danielle casually said. When I turned to look at her I noticed she was wringing her hands, a habit she did when she was nervous. I narrowed my eyes at her but let it go. She was up to something but I was curious to see how everything worked out.

Not seeing any potential danger in her plan I agreed. Her surprised face at my easy agreement almost made me laugh. I camouflaged my chuckle with a cough and then asked, "Do you know where you're going?"

The excited grin returned to her face and she avidly nodded her head. "Yep! I saw some cute little shops across the street when we drove into town."

"Ok then, I'll catch up with you in a bit." I noticed her shiver so I reached out and pulled her beanie down, zipped up her coat, took my scarf from around my neck and bundled it around hers. I inspected my work for a second then leaned down and planted a kiss on her cold nose.

"Bryannnn," she dragged out my name while blushing.

"Ok ok!" I said relenting. "Go. Call me if you need me. I'll only be a moment."

"See ya!" She called over her shoulder while she maneuvered back out of the tree maze.

Turning around I saw how long the line was. Apparently we weren't the only ones shopping for a Christmas tree last minute. This was going to take a little longer than I thought.

Danielle POV

My plan was going flawlessly. For a minute I thought that Bryan was on to me when he narrowed his eyes but he didn't bust me so I was in the clear. I didn't know how much time I had before he found me so I had to buy his gift quickly.

Stepping into the small antique shop I immediately knew I would find his gift. Perusing the various items on sale, a selection of men's watches piqued my interest. One in particular stood out to me so I scrutinized it closer. It had a black leather band and an eggshell colored face. Although it was simple it fit Bryan. He wasn't flashy like his brother. He would appreciate a gift from the heart.

I asked the sales clerk to take it out for me and wrap it. After he finished he told me my total and I took out my card to pay. It felt a little strange to be paying for something myself. Every time we were out Bryan refused to let me pay.

Having made my purchase I exited the store and simultaneously stuffed my purchase in my bag. I didn't want Bryan to see it.

The next store I entered looked exactly how I pictured Santa's house would look like. There were tinsel and twinkling lights everywhere with neatly wrapped presents on display. I was definitely feeling the Christmas spirit now. I became so enraptured with the magical aura of the store that I didn't hear someone walk up behind me.

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