Chapter 14

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A/N: I can't believe the story has almost 3K reads! That's incredible. Thank you all so much! This chapter is dedicated to XoXoNianaXoXo for giving me some amazing encouragement and an idea for the story! Happy reading!

Danielle POV

The next morning I didn't want to get out of bed. It was the most comfortable bed I'd ever slept in. The blankets and sheets felt soft as clouds. I sighed and stretched then climbed out of bed. I had lounged around enough. Grabbing my phone from under the pillow I checked the time, it was almost 10.

I headed to the en suite bathroom after grabbing my coconut water scented body wash from my bag. That reminded me, I needed to unpack. I'd do that later, after my shower...and after breakfast.

When I finished getting fresh I made my way to the kitchen. Bryan was already there cooking breakfast in black sweats and a fitted t-shirt. He looked delicious, I meant breakfast looked delicious!, I mentally corrected myself. There was eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, fruit, and orange juice.

"Good morning princess," Bryan said, causing me to jump. His back was to me and I didn't think he knew I was there.

Trying to compose myself I said, "Good morning Bryan."

"What? You're not going to protest the nickname?" He asked me, finally turning around to look at me.

Giving a small shrug I said, "It's growing on me." Among other things, I thought. Usually it took me awhile to warm up to people but with Bryan there seemed to be an instant connection.

"I hope you're ready to eat," he said giving me one of his heart stopping smiles.

I nodded my head and asked, "It looks like you're pretty much done, but can I help with anything?"

"No, thank you. Just grab a plate and help yourself."

You ain't gotta tell me twice. I filled my plate to capacity and took it to the table along with a glass of orange juice. Bryan soon followed behind me with two loaded plates in his hands. My eyes widened at the sight. And I thought I ate a lot of food.

I was about to dig in when Bryan asked, "Do you mind if we say grace first?" My eyes nearly popped out of my head but I nodded for him to proceed. After he finished he began to eat but I remained still.

Noticing my change in mood he asked, "Is everything alright Danielle? Did I offend you? I don't want you to feel pressured like you have to go along with whatever I say because it's my house." He rambled on until I stopped him.

"No, it's fine," I said. He looked dubious so I continued, "I used to pray all the time with my grandma but after she died I sort of fell out of the habit."

Softly he asked, "When did your grandma die?"

"In February," I said trying to fight the tears I knew would come. This was the first time I had spoken about it with anyone. I hadn't even told anyone at school. I hated it when people gave me pitying looks.

I felt a jolt run through my body when Bryan wrapped his large hand around mine. I looked up at him and realized I was crying when his other hand came up to wipe the tears from my face. Quickly, I removed my hand from under his and turned my head, effectively avoiding his touch.

Wiping my face with the back of my hand I said, "I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin breakfast." Taking a deep breath and letting it out I said, "I'm okay now."

Embarrassed for having cried in front of Bryan again, I started eating with vigor attempting to clear the tense air that had settled. It was a full minute before I realized Bryan wasn't eating. I peeked up to find him studying me with his eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't recognize.

"Why are you looking at me that way Bryan?" I asked nervously.

"You don't have to do that you know," he said cryptically.

"Do what?"

"Be so strong all of the time," he told me leaning towards me.

"Oh, but I do," I said. "I've been on my own since," I paused, gulping before going on, "since she died so I-I have to." I was desperately trying to hold it together. What was it about this man that made me feel so vulnerable? Not only that, but he made me feel like it was ok to be vulnerable. That scared me. I hardly knew him and I was already getting attached. I had to remind myself that this situation was only temporary. Once he figured out what to do about his brother Bryan would be gone too. I couldn't take another person I cared about leaving my life. It would hurt too much.


"Please just let it drop Bryan." I knew it was rude of me but I needed the subject to change.

Staring at my plate I couldn't see his expression. He sighed and then said, "Whatever you say Princess."

My mouth quirked and I rolled my eyes. And just like that he lifted the mood. We ate the rest of our meal in a comfortable silence.

Afterwards we cleared the table and I offered to do the dishes. Bryan agreed and yet he still found a way to situate himself right next to me at the sink drying the dishes I washed.

"So, what are you going to do for the rest of the day?" I asked him while I was focused on scrubbing a pot.

"The better question is, what are we going to do for the rest of the day?"

Curious I stopped scrubbing to eye him skeptically. "Which would be..." I prompted him.

"It's a surprise," he said continuing to dry the dishes.

"Bryan," I said his name in a flat tone.

"Yes princess?" He asked trying to suppress a smile.

"There's something you should know about me since we're living together."

"What's that?" He asked now turning to look down at me.

"I hate surprises."

He threw back his head releasing his deep, rumble of a laugh. I could get used to hearing that sound. Putting aside my affinity for his laughter I glared up at him. When he caught sight of my face his laughter died down and turned into a cough.

"Oh, you're serious?" He questioned me.


"Well that's just too bad," he said in a teasing manner.

"If you want me to do anything with you today you'd better tell me what it is right now."

"No," he said not looking at me.

"Bryannn," I dragged out his name. I had finished washing the dishes and he was drying the last one. After he put the dish away he turned to look at me. Giving him my best pouting face I said, "Pleeease tell me."

"Ok," he said caving immediately. Hmm.. I wonder if that would work every time? I beamed up at him while he shook his head in exasperation.

"In light of recent events involving my brother and your intruder," he said while I shuddered at the memory, "our activities today will involve showing you how to react should you ever find yourself in a situation like that again."

A question formed in my head but before I asked it for my confirmation Bryan said, "Danielle, I'm going to teach you how to fight."

And there's chapter 14! I hope you enjoyed!
P. S. That's a picture of what I imagined Bryan to look like 👀

Until next time beautiful people!

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