Chapter 22

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Danielle POV

I couldn't believe this was happening. Earlier I decided to postpone telling Bryan about the unsettling message but now I wished I hadn't. If I had told him he wouldn't have let Mr. Williams in and I wouldn't be facing my nightmare head on. But how was I supposed to know that he would show up unannounced like this? Bryan told me his brother didn't know where he lived but apparently he figured it out.

Mr. Williams looked surprised when he saw me but I knew it wasn't sincere. "Danielle! It's so nice to see you. I didn't know you would be here." He was really laying it on thick.

Bryan was watching my face for my reaction. I was watching Mr. Williams. He was clearly up to something and I dreaded finding out what it was.

I remained seated on the couch and waited for Bryan to join me again. Once he did I scooted to him until we were side by side and grabbed his hand for comfort. Mr. Williams picked up on the intimate gesture immediately.

"How long has this been going on?" He asked in a deceivingly calm voice.

"That's none of your business Brett. I thought you came to spend time with me not pry," Bryan said in an agitated tone.

With mocking laughter Mr. Williams sneered, "Oo touchy touchy. It was a simple question. No need to get so upset."

Bryan quieted but wrapped his arm around me protectively. I hadn't spoken yet. I wasn't sure if I could keep my voice steady.

Taking a deep breath I mumbled, "Why are you here?"

Mr. Williams eyes flickered to mine. "Come again? I couldn't hear you sweetheart."

I tensed before snapping back, "Don't call me sweetheart!"

"Oh my. You are quite a firecracker aren't you?" He said while eyeing me lecherously. Instead of replying I leaned further into Bryan. Our close contact seemed to put Mr. Williams on edge.

"You two look awfully cozy," he said with flashing eyes.

"You know what, this was a mistake. I want you to leave, now," Bryan commanded in a tone that brooked no argument.

His brother ignored him and kept going, "So Bryan, you just had to have her to yourself huh?"

"Leave Brett!" I could tell Bryan was getting angry. Even though his tone was still low his whole body was flexing as he spoke.

"What's so special about him Danielle?" Mr. Williams asked me looking relaxed as if his brother hadn't just kicked him out of the house. He was really starting to scare me. He looked like he didn't plan on going anywhere until he was ready to.

I knew my answer would only aggravate him more so I carefully evaded his question. "How did you find us?"

"A recent purchase you made at a small antique shop," he smirked.

"What is he talking about Danielle?" Bryan asked. Momentarily forgetting Mr. Williams' presence I looked at Bryan.

"I-I bought you a present," I mumbled.

"I told you not to buy me anything," he reminded me.

"I know that but I wanted to. Please don't be mad Bryan," I said.

Sighing he replied, "I'm not mad angel. You had no way of knowing this would happen." He squeezed my shoulder and kissed my forehead reassuring me.

"Oh enough! You two are so cute you're going to make me sick," Mr. Williams interrupted. I threw him a glare but he was unaffected by it. "So back to my story. My associate who had been monitoring for any activity on your card notified me the minute you bought it. From there I sent someone to come find you while you were out shopping and follow you two home."

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