Chapter 26

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Bryan POV

"How much further?" I asked Randy. He told me we would be driving for awhile but it had been a few hours and I was becoming more restless by the minute.

"We're almost there. Hey man, what's your plan once we get there? You gonna go in guns blazin minus the guns?" He chuckled. I smirked. Randy had no idea.

"I have a plan. Just tell me how to get there and I'll worry about the rest." I prayed Danielle was ok when I found her. My brother was a monster and I was well aware of what he planned to do to her. He already got his filthy hands on her once and despite my vow to keep her safe he had managed to get to her again.

I blamed myself. I wanted to believe that my brother had a change in heart so I let my guard down. My first instinct that he was lying proved to be correct. This time Brett would go down for what he did to Danielle.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes. Dude seriously, what's your plan? I don't want to get caught in the crossfires," he said worriedly. My foot eased onto the brake until we were stopped on the side of the road.

"Hey what are you doing?" Randy wearily asked me. Taking my hands off of the steering wheel I leaned back in my seat and looked at him.

"Waiting for reinforcements." When I saw Randy's confused face I continued, "I'm waiting for the police to arrive before I go in 'guns blazin' as you put it."

"But we agreed no cops!" He reminded me.

"We did but rescuing Danielle is much more important to me than keeping my word to you."

"I guess I can't really blame you. Like I said earlier I didn't want to be a part of this. Brett didn't tell me the details of the job. If he did I would have never agreed," he sounded remorseful. It actually made me feel a little sorry for him.

"I'll make sure to tell the police," I promised. "Hopefully that helps your case."

Less than 30 minutes later I was outside of my car speaking with an officer. Randy opted to stay inside.

"Your friend James gave us a run down of the situation. Because time is of the essence what we'll proceed to do is enter the property, secure the premises and then continue into the residence," the officer informed me.

"I want to help. Brett has already had Danielle for hours. He left three men with me to keep me from going after him. Two of them are tied up at my house and one is in my car. He led me here," I gestured to Randy who visibly paled and squirmed in his seat. The officer narrowed his eyes at him then looked back to me and nodded.

"I understand. I'll send some men to your house to retrieve the other two. I'll just need your address." Quickly I scribbled my address on the pad he handed me and gave it back to him. He signaled to one of his men and passed it on to him.

After his men hurried away he said, "Now, our main concern is the young woman's safety and yours which is why I'll have to ask you to just let us do our job. We don't want the situation to escalate more than it already has. If your brother sees you it can make things worse."

I agreed with the officer but still requested to come inside the property with them. He gave me permission to as long as I waited in my car once we arrived. Again, I wasn't sure I could keep that promise.

Several police cars approached the gate. I watched as the men guarding easily allowed them to enter without a fight. I guess Brett didn't inspire loyalty in his men. That was no surprise. Once inside all the officers exited their cars with guns drawn at Brett's men. Weapons began hitting the ground and the cuffs came out.

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