Chapter 24

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Bryan POV

As the 3 men circled around me I felt enraged. The thought of Danielle with my brother gave me all the motivation I needed to mow them down. They were standing in the way of me and my angel. Clenching my jaw I watched as all 3 of them stopped.

"If you all stand down I'll give you a head start on running and hiding from me for your part in this. Brett may be rich and may have paid you well but no amount of money will help you with the hell I'll unleash if you don't get out of my way!"

Smirking, the men glanced at each other and chuckled. One man with an ugly scar over his eye spoke, "Easy big guy. Our orders were to restrain you so you couldn't go after your girl. Since you're outnumbered I don't think you're really in the position to make threats."

I rolled my shoulders stretching them out and assessed the men surrounding me. I knew I could easily take them. I was larger than all 3 of them. One, the lankiest and tallest among them, was sweating while nervously twitching his fingers despite the serious expression on his face. Scarface and his friend were overly confident which meant they would be unprepared for my attack.

Scarface taunted me again, "So what's it gonna be? Are you going to play nice?"

He and his friend snickered at the poor joke. While they were distracted I took the opportunity and slammed my fist into his face, breaking his nose. He screamed out in pain and immediately brought his hands up to cradle his bloody nose. Meanwhile his friend charged at me and jumped trying to put me in a chokehold. I easily grabbed his arm, twisted and flipped him to the floor. Once he was down I held him by his collar while I pummeled his face. I stopped when I saw he was unconscious.

During all the time that had passed the third lanky man had stood motionless watching the scene before him. Scarface was still rolling around on the floor crying about his nose.

Shaking my head I turned to face the lanky man. He looked young and scared. I doubted he thought it was going to turn out like this. I took a step towards him. Raising his hands in surrender he hurriedly rushed out, "Hey man I was just in it for the money. Brett offered to erase a debt I owed. I didn't want to hurt you or the girl!" His words slightly appeased me.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Randy," he wearily told me.

"Well Randy as you might have guessed, Brett has some nefarious plans for my girlfriend. Anything you can tell me about where he might have taken her?"

Before Randy could answer me Scarface interrupted yelling, "Don't tell him nothin!" I sighed as I turned to look at him. He was glaring up at me.

Returning my attention back to Randy I directed him, "First, help me tie up these two. I don't want them causing anymore trouble."

Scarface had begun to stand up and loudly objected, "You're not tying me up! I swear to god Randy if you don't do somethin I'm going to ahhhhhhh!" His rant was cut off when I hit him in his nose again. The pain incapacitated him and he collapsed to the floor again.

Randy hesitated, "I don't know man."

Losing what little patience I had I grabbed him by the throat and gritted out, "Look, I don't have time for this. Every minute Brett has Danielle is an opportunity for him to hurt her. Either help me or I'm tying you up right along with them."

I released my hold and Randy scrambled to grab the unconscious man. I bent down to grab the feet of Scarface and dragged him to the kitchen. He cursed and screamed the whole way there but I ignored him. Randy struggled behind me to drag the unconscious man.

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