Chapter 23

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Danielle POV

After my crying had subsided I attempted to question Mr. Williams about where he was taking me. He ignored my questions and continued driving in silence. Trying to prevent myself from panicking I took deep breaths and watched the scenery out the window as we drove. While gazing out of the window I played with my locket that Bryan gave me. This helped to calm me and temporarily distract me from my current setting. I became so engrossed in the changing scenery that I didn't notice hours had gone by.

My peaceful moment was shattered when I felt Mr. Williams' hand on my thigh. Inhaling sharply I tried to smack his hand away but he gripped my leg tighter until it was almost painful. I gave up my physical endeavor to remove his hand and tried with words.

"Take your hand off of me."

"No, I don't think I will. I like where it's at right now," he said with a smirk. I scoffed and shook my head. My breathing ceased completely when his hand inched higher up my leg. I clasped onto his hand to stop its movement.

"Please stop," I begged. Thankfully he lifted his hand and placed it back on the steering wheel.

"Don't fret. I can't start anything while I'm driving. Your safe at least until we get to our destination," he said formidably. I didn't respond.

He was in for a rude awakening when he got me alone. I would fight him until my last breath and now that Bryan had given me some lessons in self defense I might actually have a chance of escaping. Although I had only been training for a month I learned some valuable moves in that time. I had practiced them on Bryan and they seemed to be effective. I smiled as I reflected back on my time with him.


Bryan had me pinned against the mat in his gym. He was sitting on my stomach and leaning forward slightly with his hands on either side of my head. Most of his weight was resting on his palms. This position was reminiscent of the situation I was in when that attacker broke into my apartment. I dispelled my anxious thoughts from my mind and focused on Bryan's handsome face above me. I knew he wouldn't hurt me and reminded myself he was trying to help me.

My face must have displayed my inner turmoil as Bryan studied me because he suddenly suggested, "How about we stop for today? You look like you've had enough."

"No, I want to finish this first." I refused to allow my fears to rule my life.

"Are you sure?" he asked assessing me.

Taking a deep breath I replied, "Yes."

"Ok then. Show me what you would do...or have done in a situation like this," he told me. I tried shoving him.

"Come on princess, you couldn't have possibly thought that would work when you're so much smaller than me," he teased while gently tweaking my nose. I slapped his hand away and growled. Chuckling he said, "Try again." This time I tried bucking him off but he didn't budge, not that I believed he would.

"Ok better. I'm going to show you how to target that move so it will work." I nodded my head in excitement. "You're going to grab my wrist with one of your hands, my forearm with your other and pull my arm against your chest tightly." I did as he directed me.

"Good! Just like that," he encouraged. "Next, you need to bring your foot on the outside of my leg and lock my ankle in place with yours." Once I did that he said, "Now try bumping me off with your hips."

The first couple of times I practiced I only moved him off of me halfway. On the fourth try I got him off enough so that I could roll on top of him. I grinned down at him triumphantly.

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