Chapter 18

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Danielle POV

"Danielle! Fancy meeting you here," Mr. Williams said with what looked to be genuine surprise. Fear gripped me as I stared up at him. I shouldn't have run away from Bryan. He had been so accommodating and kind to me and I acted like an ungrateful brat.

Realizing that Mr. Williams was still holding me I tried to step back. Shockingly he easily let me go. I turned to leave when I felt his hand around my wrist. I froze and faced him once again. Looking remorseful he said, "I know it's not enough but I'm so sorry for the way I treated you Danielle. It's no excuse but I was drunk and not myself."

Dumbfounded I gaped at him. Was this the same man who had tried to force himself on me so recently? Now he seemed like a completely different person. I knew he could be lying but I wanted to believe him.

"I-" my response was interrupted by an arm snaking around my waist. Bryan held me tightly against his chest. When I peered up at him he looked livid. I shivered under his black look and tried to mollify him with an apology, "Bryan I-"

"Enough Danielle," he said in a disapproving tone. "Will you take her to my car please? I'll be right behind you," Bryan said passing me to James. I hadn't realized he was right behind Bryan. I offered no argument as I was glad to get away from Mr. Williams who was watching the scene with a hawk's eye.

James placed his arm around my shoulder to guided me through the crowd and out the door. He told the valet to bring Bryan's car around then regarded me with a humorless smile. "Why are you giving Bryan such a hard time? He's been trying to help you and you're making it difficult for him. If Brett hadn't stopped you who knows where you would have run off to."

I felt embarrassed and guilty for my behavior. I couldn't blame it all on the alcohol because I was already giving Bryan a hard time as soon as we got here. Not knowing what to say I told James, "I don't know."

"Whatever the reason, I suggest you don't take off like that again. You could end up getting caught by someone even worse than Brett. I'm not sure if you've ever met him but he's not a nice guy. To be honest, he can be a real jackass," James said with a scowl on his face.

"Oh trust me, I know," I said with a shudder.

James noticed me shiver and asked, "Are you cold?" Before I could respond he took off his coat and placed it around me. I smiled up at him and thanked him. Studying him I noticed he was actually quite handsome with his dark chocolate skin, full lips and killer smile. As attractive as he was I found myself comparing him to Bryan. When James put his arm around me to help me outside I didn't feel the same pleasurable jolt I felt whenever Bryan touched me.

"How do you know Brett?" James asked me, snapping me out of my daydream. My eyes widened and I was unsure how to answer him.


Bryan saved me from answering when he briskly walked out of the club and stood next to me. He always seemed to come right when I needed him. I gratefully looked up at him but he still wore the same scowl. This was not going to be a fun car ride home.

"Thank you for staying with Danielle. I'm sorry if we ruined your night, " Bryan said while looking at me. I blushed and directed my gaze at the ground.

Sensing the tension James playfully said, "It's all good. I can think of worse ways to spend my night than being in the company of a gorgeous woman. I hope to see you again soon Danielle." Having said that he bent down and kissed me on my cheek. I gasped startled by his bold action. Pausing next to my ear he said, "You'll thank me for that later. Bryan will be even more jealous now."

Puzzled by James' words I glanced up at him but he just winked at me. I then appraised Bryan who had clenched his jaw and was shooting daggers at James with his eyes. Without a word he marched over to the driver's side of the car and got in. I took a deep breath then got in on the passenger's side.

Once Bryan pulled off I immediately began to apologize, "I am so sorry for my behavior tonight Bryan. I should have listened to you instead of snapping at you and running away from you."

I observed him for his reaction and saw him grip the steering wheel tightly before answering me, "Do you know what could have happened to you tonight? As much as you drank you could have passed out after running from me and God knows what creep would have taken advantage of you!"

"I know Bryan," I said fully agreeing with him.

"Then, to top it all off you ran into my brother of all people! There's no way we're doing anything like that again. That was a disaster that fortunately didn't turn out as bad as it could have," he continued. It was nothing less than what I deserved. I begged him to take me out and then I disregarded his advice and made him worry.

"You're right. I really am sorry Bryan. Please forgive me," I said bowing my head. I felt that wonderfully familiar jolt when Bryan placed his thumb and forefinger on my chin to lift my head up. We had stopped at a light and he was staring at me.

"Don't put me through anything like that again, please Danielle. I had never been so scared in my life," he quietly said.

I felt tingles from his gentle touch and found myself closing my eyes before saying, "I promise I won't." When I opened my eyes Bryan was staring at my lips. Inhaling softly I froze under his intense scrutiny. He slowly leaned toward me watching me for my reaction. When his lips were nearly touching mine I lost my nerve and pulled away. My breathing was irregular and I avoided his gaze. Glancing up I noticed the light had changed so I told Bryan and he pulled off.

I hated how awkward and shy I could be sometimes. I had wanted Bryan to kiss me, or at least I thought I did but at the last second I couldn't go through with it. He probably thought I was leading him on. I felt bad but I couldn't really explain why I didn't let him kiss me. I guess part of it was because I still didn't know him that well.

"Bryan I'm sorry I couldn't--"

"It's ok princess. I'll give you all the time you need," he reassured me. He had no idea how much that meant to me.

Changing the subject I asked him, "What did you say to your brother?"

He tensed again and I almost regretted bringing Mr. Williams up but I wanted to know. He had apologized to me and I still didn't understand how he could flip like that.

"I told him he had better not try to cause any trouble and to stay away from you but his answer surprised me," Bryan said while raising his eyebrows. I waited for him to keep going. "He said that he regretted the way he treated you and that he hoped you wouldn't hold it against him. He said that he was not a threat to you and said and did all of those things when he wasn't himself."

"Do you believe him?" I asked hopefully. If he meant everything he said I wouldn't have to stay in hiding anymore. And you would have to leave Bryan, I thought sadly.

"Not for a second," Bryan said.

"Really?" Mr. Williams nearly had me convinced. "Why don't you believe him?"

"I know my brother. There's no way he got over you that easily," he said sounding sure of himself.

"Why not? I'm not special." I didn't see why Mr. Williams just wouldn't let me go. I had nothing to offer and there were women much prettier than me that he could have.

"That's the second time you've said that tonight. You are special. First of all you're breathtaking. You didn't see the men who were drooling over you the moment you stepped in that club or how James gave you an appreciative once over when he saw you. You also have this inner beauty that radiates from you without you having to say a word. Living with you the past couple weeks I've gotten to learn more about you and I've seen how special you are up close. Don't doubt yourself angel."

I was speechless at his words. This man always spoke to me in a way that made me feel beautiful and cared for. If I didn't watch myself I could easily end up falling for him. That was not part of the plan. I was with Bryan strictly to escape is brother. Until we discourage Mr. Williams from any further harassment towards me I had to keep my distance from Bryan and keep our relationship platonic. I had a strong feeling that would be easier said than done.

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