Chapter 25

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Brett POV

Dinner with Danielle was sweet torture. Sitting across from her beautiful countenance I couldn't help but imagine how it would feel to finally be inside of her and have her writhing underneath me. She didn't seem inclined to converse with me but I wasn't going to give up that easily.

"How is your food?" I asked.

"Honestly I wouldn't know. I haven't eaten anything," she answered.

"Why not?" I felt myself getting irritated. I went through a lot of trouble to get her here and she had the audacity to refuse the food!

"I don't have an appetite," she curtly retorted. I didn't respond, choosing to silently fume instead. Fine. If she didn't want to eat I sure wasn't going to beg her to. She could just starve.

"So, Mr. Williams--" she started, but I cut her off.

"Brett! Just call me Brett! Why is it that you can call my brother by his first name and not me?" I was exasperated. "What is so special about him?" I didn't understand. My entire life women worshiped me. I never had to pursue anyone like I did Danielle. It was maddening.

"What's so special about him?" She paused while a genuine smile spread across her face. Appearing to contemplate her answer she sighed then said, "He's patient with me. He makes me feel safe and cherished. He protects me. He doesn't demand anything from me. When I'm with him I feel whole. Unlike you he's never tried to force me to do anything. That's why I...I love him." She looked amazed by her revelation. I was too.

" him?!" I spat.

"Of course! After what I just told you, how can you question it?" She asked me. I was too astonished to answer her.

"And to answer your other question, I don't call you by your first name because I have never felt comfortable or at ease in your presence. You were supposed to be my boss, someone who I could trust. Instead you turned out to be someone from my worst nightmare," she avowed.

That explanation infuriated me. I didn't expect her to answer so truthfully. When she worked for me she was always too afraid to raise her voice. I guess we were through with the small talk.

"Well then, I wouldn't want to disappoint," I said as I slowly stood up. She gulped and looked up at me nervously, but didn't speak.

Giving her my most malicious smile I told her, "I'll give you a head start."

"What?" She asked confused.

"Well, I want to make this a little fun. I'll give you a head start to run from me. Let's say 30 seconds?" I offered. She stared at me first in disbelief but then I saw something flicker in her eyes. It was a look of determination. The change in her threw me for a loop. Showing no hesitation she shot from her seat at the table. Stunned from her swift departure I almost forgot I was supposed to be counting.

After I reached 30 I lazily strode out of the dining room and up the stairs. I felt my blood rushing through my veins, excitement coursing through me at the idea of the chase. Giving Danielle a head start may have made it more difficult to find her but she couldn't hide from me for long. There was no escaping me.

Creeping down the hall made my foot steps light and soundless. The head start already provided her with an advantage over me. I wasn't going to give her another by allowing her to hear my approach. There were several rooms on this floor she could have hidden in. The only way to find her was through the process of elimination. Coming to the first door I readied myself to claim my prize.

Danielle POV

At first when Mr. Williams told me that he was giving me head start I thought he was joking. He had proven to be a liar on multiple occasions, but this time he was being truthful.

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