Chapter 16

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Danielle POV

The next morning Bryan and I were headed to his job. I was excited to see where he worked. I knew a non-profit organization was run differently than a company like Williams' Enterprises, especially in the accounting department.

It was quiet in the car without the radio on so I decided to break the silence. "What do you plan on telling everyone about me?"

"Uh what do you mean?" He asked sounding unsure.

"Well, I'm going to be arriving with you and none of your staff know anything about me. How are you going to explain the situation?"

He paused for a moment before saying, "Oh, I hadn't thought of that."

"How could you not? I can't just show up with you without an explanation!"

"Don't worry princess. I'll think of something," he said confidently.

I took a deep breath and tried to relax. Nope. It didn't work. I began wringing my hands as I stared out the window. I felt a familiar jolt run through my body when Bryan placed his large hand over mine.

"Everything's going to be ok Danielle," he said while gently squeezing my hand. Then he placed his hand back on the steering wheel. I stared at him for a moment before rubbing the hand he had grabbed. He provided warmth and comfort so briefly yet I felt calmer.

A few minutes later he asked, "What did you do before you worked for Brett?"

"Uh...I was a waitress and before that I was in college. I graduated in May."

"Really? I can't picture you as a waitress," he said while biting his lip. He was trying and failing to hold back a smile.

"Why not?" I asked getting defensive.

Chuckling first he answered, "You almost burned my kitchen down last night."

"Obviously I didn't cook the food as the waitress Bryan," I said while rolling my eyes.

"Yes, of course," he said still smirking. "What did you get your degree in?"

"Accounting," I told him.

"How did you end up as Brett's secretary then?" He asked.

"There were no entry level openings in the accounting department so my plan was to start as his secretary and eventually move to the accounting department but as you know that didn't work out." By the end of my explanation I was feeling dejected. Everything had seemed so simple when I went in to interview at Williams' Enterprises. My illusion had been shattered in the worst way.

"I'm sorry Brett treated you that way. I'm ashamed to call him my brother," Bryan said with a look of regret.

"It's not your fault. You're not the reason he is the way he is," I told him.

At last we reached our destination. As we walked inside we passed through the lobby and entered into the elevator. During our ride Bryan told me that this was one of the many locations of the organization.

"Here we are," he said once we made it to his floor. There were offices as well as cubicles filled with people. "Come on, I'll show you my office," he directed me.

We were almost to his door when I heard a high pitched, grating voice say, "Yoo hoo! Bryan!" Startled, I jumped and then turned around to see who the annoying voice belonged to. A pretty, dark haired woman with brown eyes and olive skin was walking toward us, or more specifically Bryan. "Where have you been? I missed you while you were gone!" She continued in her irritating voice.

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