Chapter 11

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Bryan POV

That question surprised me. It was a loaded question and I suspected Danielle knew that when she asked me. I took my time to formulate my answer knowing that what I said could push Danielle either way. I wanted to tell her the truth but I thought that would scare her away. It even seemed crazy to me. I mean, who fell for someone they just met? I wouldn't quite say it was love but I definitely developed some feelings for her the moment I saw her. She brought out the protective instincts in me. I wanted to take care of Danielle and keep her safe from my brother.

Coming back to the present moment I noticed Danielle was growing impatient. I didn't know how long I was silent but it must have been long enough in her eyes. She had crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at me. I opened my mouth to speak but she spoke before I could get anything out.

"Never mind, I don't want to know. Your silence can't be a good sign."

"Danielle wait--" I tried to interject.

"No! I don't know if this is some game to you but this is my life we're talking about. I refuse to let you and your brother take it over." Although Danielle was being serious and I knew the importance of the situation I couldn't help but notice how sexy she was when she was angry. I must have shown my amusement on my face because next Danielle asked, "Are you laughing at me?!"

My smirk dropped instantly, "No, of course not angel."

"Don't call me angel! I appreciate you bringing me my purse and trying to help me but I'd like you to leave Bryan." I loved the way my name sounded on her lips but it was nearly impossible to bask in the sensation when she was saying it at the end of an invitation for me to leave.

Shaking my head and walking towards her I pleaded, "Danielle listen to me. You don't know my brother and what he's capable of. He is dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt. I feel obligated to help because I know what he's done in the past and I didn't do anything to stop him. Now because of that he's after you. Let me take care of you." As I finished I stared into her beautiful brown eyes that pulled me in and threatened to scorch me with their heat.

Danielle looked as if she were about to give in but after a moment the emotion flickered out. "Again, thank you for your help tonight but I'll be fine. I can take care of myself."

It was so tempting to stay and continue to argue with her until she relented. After all, I knew that last statement was not true. She was a small woman and there was no way she could take on my brother or any of his men. What stopped me was her posture. Her shoulders were slumped forward as she looked up at me with a defeated look on her face.

I knew she was too tired to think straight so I decided to leave, for now. "Alright Danielle, you be careful and take care."

Danielle walked me to her door. As I stepped outside she stopped me with just her voice when she said, "Bryan," I turned back to look at her. She paused seeming nervous about what she was going to say next. "If we had met under different circumstances I think we could have been friends."

My heart clenched a little at her words. Yes, if only we had met on more pleasant terms it would have been easier to get her to trust me. I comforted myself with the thought that I would be back in the morning to check on her to make sure she was safe, even if I didn't speak to her. I smiled at her as she said, "Good bye Bryan."

I replied back, "Good night Danielle."


Danielle POV

I don't know what time it was when I went back to sleep after Bryan left but I tossed and turned the rest of the night. Bryan's words about his brother kept replaying in my mind the whole night. Once I woke up feeling hardly rested I was able to think somewhat more clearly about the seriousness of my predicament. The more I thought about it, the more I wished I had listened to Bryan. Maybe we could have come to some sort of agreement where I worked for him instead of just lived with him. That would have made me more comfortable with the arrangement.

Unfortunately in my sleep deprived state I was hasty in my decision to kick Bryan out without even getting a way to contact him before he left. When I thought about it, I really did feel bad for him. All he did was try to help me and I yelled at him and rudely shuffled him out of my apartment.

I'm not sure how long I had been thinking about Bryan when I heard a loud knock on my front door. I turned toward my nightstand to look at the time on my alarm clock. It was a little after 9am. If I had still been working for Mr. Williams I would have been late to work but since I never planned on seeing that man again I lounged in bed this morning.

I thought whoever was at the door would have gone away since I didn't rush to answer but I again heard the loud knock. Sighing and rolling my eyes I scooted out of bed to grab my robe from the spot I had left it in after Bryan left. I was almost to the door when someone crashed through it causing me to scream. Hearing me scream the man looked at me and then walked towards me.

I backed away not taking my eyes off of the unfamiliar man. My foot hit the edge of the couch in my retreat and I crashed to the ground. Before I could get up the man was on top of me. I struggled beneath him but I couldn't get him off of me. He hardly seemed winded by my fight.

I yelled out, "Who are you? What do you want?"

The man gave me a creepy smile and answered in a raspy voice, "Mr. Williams sent me to fetch you but now that I see how gorgeous you are I'm going to have a little fun with you myself first. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

His head started to descend towards my neck and I closed my eyes and I pushed against him but before he made it to his destination a familiar voice said, "I'd mind." Bryan's large hand ripped the man off of me then he delivered one solid strike to the man's jaw knocking him out.

Approaching me slowly as if not to startle me Bryan asked, "Are you alright Danielle?" Tears filled my eyes as I realized I was almost raped twice in less than 24 hours. I shook my head trying to answer but no words came out. Bryan pulled me into a hug and held me while rubbing soothing circles on my back.

After a minute I asked, "What are you doing here? You came just in time."

"Oh angel I've been here for hours. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I had a feeling my brother would try to come after you. That's why I've been trying to persuade you to come with me," Bryan continued to hold me as he spoke.

Making up my mind I pulled back and gazed up at Bryan. I took a deep breath and then in a soft voice said, "I'll do it."

Bryan looked puzzled before he asked, "Do what?"

"I'll move in with you."

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