Chapter 27

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With the support of Bryan I decided to press charges. There was no way his brother was going to get away with what he did and attempted to do to me. His actions were cruel and and ruthless. I was going to speak up so he couldn't hurt anyone else again. With time I'm sure I will forgive him. Harboring ill feelings toward him would only make me bitter in the end. Hopefully one day he'll realize what he did was wrong.

Bryan suggested I see a therapist to help me through my trauma. At first I was a little reluctant to the idea but after I gave it more thought I agreed with him. I needed to come to terms with what happened before it was time for the trial. I'd rather my first time talking about the whole ordeal to be in a safe and comfortable environment. My first appointment is next week at the beginning of the new year.

It was time to take back my life. Mr. Williams might no longer be an imminent threat but he still had a hold on me mentally. It had been a week since he kidnapped me and I'd had nightmares every night since then. Bryan didn't know because I didn't want to worry him. I felt like I was being a burden so I tried to be brave and stayed in my room but I was regretting that decision.

My decision to sleep in my own room was mainly due to the fact I had been thinking about moving back to my apartment. This situation was supposed to be a temporary arrangement. Bryan hadn't said anything about me leaving but I didn't want to take advantage of his kindness. It would probably be for the best if I left. That's why I was currently packing.

It was New Year's Day and Bryan and I wanted to relax and celebrate quietly. Although with James over it wasn't all that quiet, not that I minded at all. It was fun having him over. He was playful and a little mischievous which Bryan pretended to be annoyed by but I knew those were some of his favorite qualities of his friend.

James was also trustworthy and reliable which I recently found out and benefited from. Bryan explained to me how James played a role in my rescue. James received my gratitude graciously, insisting it was no big deal what he did. I saw it differently and couldn't thank him enough. Now, he and Bryan were planted on the couch in the living room watching some football game on the big screen. To give them some guy time I stayed to myself mostly. I spent the time packing unbeknownst to Bryan.

"Danielle, angel," Bryan knocked on my door. A brief feeling of guilt swept through me. I didn't know why. It wasn't as if I was sneaking out, I just hadn't yet told him of my intent to move out.

"Just a minute!" I rushed out. I didn't want him to find out I was leaving by walking in on me. I wanted to tell him myself.

"Alright. James is about to head out. Come say goodbye when you're ready."

"Ok!" I would tell him as soon as James left.

I walked out of my room to find the both of them talking by the front door. James turned toward me as I approached.

"It was good seeing you again Danielle. I'm glad you're back and safe," he said with a warm smile.

"It was good seeing you too. Thank you again for your help James," I smiled up at him.

"Anytime. Now where's my hug at?" He asked with his eyes full of mischief. I giggled and went in for what I thought would be a quick hug but James held on longer than necessary. I knew it was just to get a rise out of Bryan.

"Ok James that's enough!" Bryan snapped. He released me with a grin directed at Bryan.

"Don't be jealous of the moment Danielle and I just shared man."

"Why did I even invite you?" Bryan asked in annoyance.

"Because I"m your best friend," James gloated.

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